View Full Version : feeling rubbish

29-07-05, 00:59
I was determined not to post again about anything other than positive things, and I have tried to stay positive all the time but deep down I dont feel good at all, Ive struggled all week and longer if truth be known, but have pretended everything is Ok.
I have a big night coming up tomorrow, I am going to a concert but i wonder if I will even go, as the night draws on Im feeling terrible panics just thinking about it, worse than I have had for ages.My heart is beating so fast I feel as if it will explode.irrational thoughts are multiplying by the dozen, I even feel people are laughing at me,I know Im tired because I get very little sleep. I have tried to go to bed three times but as soon as I lay down I cannot handle the situation.
Not really sure why Im posting because I know all you wonderful people will come with super vibes but I feel rubbish, Sorry guys.
i have done all sorts today to try and be positive, Ive had my hair done, Ive been in a cafe, Ive been to a charity meeting, all these things I couldnt do a few months ago.My life has been busy and uprooted in some ways and I think maybe Im doing too much??Love Alexis

Sue K with 5
29-07-05, 02:23
Alex !

I am so proud of you ! Cinders you are going to the ball, do you honestly think Rod Stewart can perform without you their

and I want my piccies! This week has been hectic for you, and travelling can make you very tired as we all know! I know you will not give in to this because tom night I am going to be with you at that concert, you will be hearing me telling you to throw those purple knickers in! so go get him girl!

Don't you dare let this monster anxiety and panic take away the chance to see the man of your dreams !!

NOW! Text me from Birmingham, and I am sending you a massive hug and kiss!

and remember I am standing right by your side !! and I want my Piccies!!


your friend
Sue with 5


29-07-05, 11:09
Hi Alex

Sue is right you will go to the ball. As if Rod would even consider going on stage without you there. Don't forget that you have had all the worry over the holiday aswell. I'm not supprised you are feel low.

Take care



29-07-05, 11:26
Hi Alexis,

It definately is the extra stress of thinking about going to see Rod. It's probably all that excess adrenalin thinking about him "doing his stuff" on stage![8D]

Seriously though, my anxiety is through the roof at the moment and I think it is due to the fact that I'm going on holiday on 6th August and it is permanently on my mind. Although both the holiday and your Rod concert are enjoyable things that we are looking forward to, they still are stressful and seem to overwhelm us.

You WILL go to the concert just like I WILL go on holiday. Once the time comes to actually set off to the concert, the anxiety will lessen. It's good old anticipatory anxiety thats to blame!

Have a lovely time and don't forget to give me a wave as you drive past my house!

Love Kate xx

29-07-05, 14:13
Hi Alexis,
You have done so well recently, i have been reading your posts and following a lot of your examples and advice, you have worn me out!! You are overtired, as you say, you have trouble sleeping and when we are tired, it makes things a hundred times worse!The build up to any big event always sets us off, but usually we make it, you have helped me on many occassion to get to my destination!!!I so hope you make it, once you are there, you will be totally distracted. Alexis, hun, i need a blow by blow account of the whole concert, there is no jealously on my behalf, what-so-ever?????If you believe that you'll believe anything. Seriously mate, try to rest as much as you can beforehand, and take it slowly and try to enjoy. My vibes are with you, please take care. xxxjean

29-07-05, 14:39
Hi Alexis,
Don't be so hard on yourself, you've come so far, you shoud be proud of what you've achieved. You've had extra stress recently and are having a blip, but it will pass.
Go to the concert and have a great time, you'll be more upset if you don't go and you can't disappoint Rod can you lol
Take care,
Love LJ

29-07-05, 15:59
Hi Allexis

You have come along way and are doing really well, so dont be too hard on yourself. We all go through the blips and i think we all tend to over analyse how we are feeling after doing so well, which in turn makes it all seem much worse.

This will pass and we are all here for you. If you want to chat you know where i am hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

29-07-05, 16:41
hey Alexis,

Sorry to hear you're feeling down. Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you. Have a great time at the concert!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-07-05, 17:03
Hi Alexis,

How are you feeling now?? I haven't spoken to for ages, what with hol etc.. but if you need to talk please PM me or email me.

I have suffered with anxiety for years now and you will always have blips. It is nice to have somewhere to vent them, like this place, where we know we will get replies and advice from people who know how we are feeling.

Make sure you enjoy your night out.....are you really going to see Rod Steward....!!!????? I'm sure you will be fine when you get there, just remember how you all encouraged me about my holiday, if I can do that you can do this.

I popped into the chatroom the other night and quickly came back, because I didn't know anyone. I think I've been away from here too long lol!!

Anyway, you take care and I'm here if you need to talk.
Love, Linda.xxx

29-07-05, 18:35
Hi Pet,

You have had a lot on the last few weeks, and not just little outings, so just give yourself time to wind down a bit,

I'd love to say pretend im there next to you, but you know how much i hate him so lets not go there LOL

anyway i will speak to you later xxxx

kairen x

29-07-05, 19:46

You must, must go and see Rod and have a fab time ok? You have been looking forward to it and once there you feel fine and you will do it ok.

Will be thinking of you and really hope you feel better tomorrow.

Big hug


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

30-07-05, 12:17
Alexis (fellow pig)

Last time I was in chat you and Alihud made me laugh such a lot. The thought of us all changing our aviators to pigs to surprise Nic really amused me and then you kept disapearing and coming back with new pig names (we were really silly that night and I loved it).

I understand how you are feeling as I'm feeling a bit edgy too at the mo but know its just a blip as it always is. I sometimes think sod it I will go out as I cant feel any worse out than I do in!!

A portion of what you're feeling at the mo is mixed up with the anticipatory anxiety of good old Rod - you can't feel any worse by going and I bet you'll actually feel a fair bit better when you get there.

Imagine us all there with you, as we will be in spirit - if you hear a snort behind you that will be me!!!!

Its just a phase and phases pass.

Love Pig[:O]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-07-05, 18:52

You have done extremely well over the past weeks and months and I suspect that as you've been sooo looking forward to this that it is a mixture of anticipation , anxiety , excitement as well as self inposed pressure as its been such a big event in your calender for so long now.

You do it at your pace and I expect that once you get there the music and atmosphere will change any remaining anxiety to excitement - after all anxiety and excitement are the same thing physically - its just the thoughts that are different


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-07-05, 14:18
Dear all, thank you for all your positive messages, it is great to hear from you all, it means so much to know how many people are there for me, thanks again, love Alexis,xxx
PS you been on holiday Meg, long time no hear?

31-07-05, 15:09
No Alexis,

I had a friend come to stay for a planned 4 days and she ended up staying 11 days.

Lovely to see her but she was running on fumes after finishing writing a book and various other work and family stresses and once she got here we discovered just how much she was exhausted and burnt out and it seems here with me was where she needed to be to be looked after.

We did lots of lovely outings , walks, quiet time , took her to work with me some days etc and she left yesterday but I couldn't abandon her each night for the amount of hours I usually spend here so I was on 'whizz throughs' only and not checking every post.

Business as usual now though !


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-07-05, 15:16
Well Meg it is lovely to hear you have had a lovely time and done things you have enjoyed,you deserve it as you are so helpful and valuable here to us, I always look for your reply, lol,you must get tired sometimes, so Im really glad youve had fun and hope your friend feels rested, Love Alexis,xx