View Full Version : i dont know whats wrong with me

11-03-09, 14:27
Hello first of all i would like to introduce myself to this fantastic forum, im Lukas 19 and currently at university

I had a panic attack last week monday which was a horrific experience and ended up in hospital because i was scared that im having a stroke however i found out it was an anxiety attack which puzzled me as im not stressed about anything at the moment

Anyway, ever since then ive been not feeling 100% always feeling dizzy/lightheaded, a weird headache which i never had before a sort of tingly sensation which moves around, i get it on the left side of my brain/head, back and middle top area. Its really awkward and sometimes gets a bit painful as its so annoying! My right arm sometimes feels weak as if no blood is getting to it - could be the fact that i spend a significant time on the computer but its been fine up until now.

Often my cheeks feel numb, or one side of my face and i get parnoid that im having a heart attack so im always looking in the mirror examing my face checking if i got blue lips etc. I will like to add to this that i did have a cold for quite a while and recently been sneezing like 15 times in a row randomly at times which has never happenend to me before so maybe i could have sinus problems or something?

I often get palpitations and sometimes skip beats (1-2 daily) which doesnt feel nice, if i get it when im sitting down i often get up or lean forward and place my hand on my heart.

I often find that its worse after a night out drinking, as im a first year student i do go out 2/3 times a week and normally drink around 8pints when i do go out along with a couple of vks, shots etc. But i dont understand how suddenly this Anxiety can kick in, 2 weeks ago i was fine now im a complete mess, i just want to be back to my usual state.

There is another thing, around a month ago my friend visited me and we went on a huge drinking marathon, drank for 48 hours constant only with around 4 meals, the next day i had realllllly bad palpitations i had it for a good 4/5days and ended up going to the Walk-in clinic at 3am on like the 2-3rd day as i just felt really bad, they took my blood pressure and it was fine. Ever since then ive been worried about my health and i realised that the palpitations happen when i drink, but never ever before did it happen to me...so i dont understand why now :/

Sorry about the essay i just wanted to get everything out

Thank you in advance


24-03-09, 17:30
Hi Lukas

Ok... so, you sound pretty normal to me :)

The tingly/numbness sensation is a pretty standard anxiety symptom... I get it, and as far as I know it is a muscular 'issue'. There are muscles running all over our heads and on top of them as well. It could be caused by not breathing correctly... learning to relax by doing long nose breaths has helped me tremendously with reducing my tingling lips, scalp, and cheeks.

The palpitations are also part of the packet - and drinking/sleeping wrong/not eating right (eating sugar, drinking caffeine etc) does make them worse... again, for me, correct breathing, sleep, and healthy food is key.

Why now, you ask? I personally believe that anxiety has its causes unless it's based on some physiological illness (in which case you could say it also has its causes)... it wants to tell you something, and it can take a while to figure it out... I think it is pretty cool that we have such an alarm system in our bodies, although the actions of the system can seem malplaced and feel terrible. So basically I would say there's nothing wrong with you. The anxiety is there for a reason, and it's an excellent opportunity for you to take whatever issues you have in your life up for consideration.

All the best to you,

24-03-09, 18:04
Hi Lukas
I had the same symptoms and they told me it was anxiety/panic so dont worry. I get head pain but my medication helps.

Its horrible but they will get better, I keep telling myself that i am not going to let this beat me.

Keep your chin up.
