View Full Version : heart rate going up then down feel like im going to die or go mad or both

annie pannie
11-03-09, 18:10
Ive had probklems with racing heart at night which i am just about coping with and now i seem to have a new problem which is my heart is going really slow one minute at 50 to 60 beats per minute and i get a weird sensation in my chest like i am going to die cos my heart feels like it is going really slow then my heart rate goes up to 70 or 80 then the next minute its down to 50 again. i am so scared i cant get an appoinmtment at my gp until 3 april im here on my own during the day and frightened my heart is going to stop - i have times in the morning when my heart is doing 80 or 90 so is it all the stress thats causing it to fluctuate. i went for a walk today with the dog for half an hour and an hour later my pulse was 52 that doesn't seem right. my partner says its either the pulse monitor or its just how i am but what is normal and should your heart rate be so low - i know that the normal rate is between 60 and 100 but how low can it go before you keel over and when should i call an ambulance. I had the paramedic out whilst i was away over the weekend as i dozed off in the car and ended up with a racing heart again and nearly fainted and they did an ecg but of course thern it was doing its racing bit and my blood pressure was up. I just feel i cant go on with all this its too difficult. if everyone says 60 beats per minute is normal then how can 50 be right - i do get dizzy and have wierrd feelings but is this anxiety or is it my heart - when do we start having to shout really loudly because something is really wrong or when do we leave it and wait and see - also i get missed beats and palps all the time which no-one seems remotely interested in. Anyone got a clue what is going on - i know the answer is to see the gp again and ask for a 24 hr monitor but i am there too often they have done blood tests for the racing heart and i tried a treadmill but didn't finish it as i had a panic attack and cardiology said the racing heart is anxiety attacks at night but i can't get over the feeling that something is terribly wrong and the monitor is showing it up now- please help. sorry about the rambling i no theres people wiorse of than me its very hard