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View Full Version : Help needed from the ladies...

11-03-09, 20:31
Quick question...
Can stress/anxiety make your periods last longer? Mine used to be every 28 days and last for 3 days. The last couple of months (when my HA has been very bad) they have been every 32 days and last 5 days. I thought yesterday I had finished, but it's started again this evening and I am having cramping. Just wasn't sure if it is another side effect of anxiety, or something more sinister?

Thanks in advance...

11-03-09, 22:20
How old are you - if you are anywhere from mid 30's onwards then this is often when things start to change in lead up many hears hence to the menopause. I started having odd things from age 37 and now 47yrs old and def menopausal now.

Any great stress can also really throw your hormones which can affect your periods. When my cousins mother died suddenly she didn't have a period for 8 months and nothing was wrong it was just shock and grief.