View Full Version : non/hodgkinsons Lymphoma fear now

11-03-09, 20:55
after doing ok for approx a week and managing to "sort of" put my health anxiety to one side to sort out my depression and general anxiety I started feeling poorly last week turns out on Monday after seeing my doctor that I have tonsilititis, also have a gum infection as well which has been ongoing since early january and am having treatment

However I have got it into my head I have hodgkinsons lymphoma because I was reading about it at the weekend and read that you feel itchy with it. I have been feeling itchy all over

My neck is slightlly swollen on one side and also you can get bone pain, which I have been getting in my leg on and off since sunday. I also keep getting pain in my neck and pain in my head now and again

I rang my GP yesterday and she refused to discuss my symptoms saying I need to come up with strategies to cope with my anxiety and said to discuss my symptoms was feeding my fear

Can anybody help or advise with the lymphoma thing??

11-03-09, 22:43
Hi Sam

My hubby had NHL 5 years ago and he never had any of thyour symptoms, I'm sure it's all to do with symptoms of anxiety.

Hope this helps

Elaine x

11-03-09, 23:10
itching only occurs in a small percentage of lymphoma patients and usually very late after they've experienced many other symptoms for a great deal of time prior. it would not be a presenting symptom in most cases. reading about it has created anxiety - do not read about it further!

11-03-09, 23:11
Hi Laney

thanks for your reply. I hope your husband is ok now xx

I got the symptoms by googling and it came up with something called hodgkinsons itch and I have been feeling really hot and a bit sweaty when I wake up in the morning

I have felt off for weeks but doctor keeps saying it is anxiety all the time

Sam x

11-03-09, 23:11
also you would not feel itchy all over - you would be experiencing extreme nearly skin tearing itch in certain parts of your body.

11-03-09, 23:13
justbananas, I know I have been told by mental health team to stop googling and looking things up and to some extent I have but keep falling back into bad habits

dave duke
11-03-09, 23:15

I have been suffering from panic attacks for over 10 years now, they put it down to stress and put me on Diasapam 90mg a day for 3 years (The worst time of my life) it made me even worse. Renently I saw my doctor, as I had lots of symptons, headaches, pains, itching etc. I thought the same. She asked me if I had every been tested for ashma?, I said no. I had the test, and it was verified I Was having panic attacks which seemed to be brought on by ashma which I did not even know I had. I am now on 2 types of inhailers. Since then touch wood, I have not had an attack, the itching has almost gone, and the headaches are getting better. Time will tell if this was the cause, but I never realised you could have ashma and not even know. I was with bupa for 10 years, had loads of tests including lymphoma, thyiroid all kinds of camera here there and everywhere.


after doing ok for approx a week and managing to "sort of" put my health anxiety to one side to sort out my depression and general anxiety I started feeling poorly last week turns out on Monday after seeing my doctor that I have tonsilititis, also have a gum infection as well which has been ongoing since early january and am having treatment

However I have got it into my head I have hodgkinsons lymphoma because I was reading about it at the weekend and read that you feel itchy with it. I have been feeling itchy all over

My neck is slightlly swollen on one side and also you can get bone pain, which I have been getting in my leg on and off since sunday. I also keep getting pain in my neck and pain in my head now and again

I rang my GP yesterday and she refused to discuss my symptoms saying I need to come up with strategies to cope with my anxiety and said to discuss my symptoms was feeding my fear

Can anybody help or advise with the lymphoma thing??