View Full Version : Increase Citalopram to 40 mg or Switch Meds?

11-03-09, 21:03
Hi again to all, I have been on Citalopram since the end of December, moving to 20 mg mid January and 30 mg mid-February. While citalopram initially helped out, it does not seem to be doing much anymore. It might be due to life circumstances--i have recently started a new job and got out of 2 year relationship. However, I generally feel bad the majority of the time. My doctor said I could try 40 mg out for a bit to a see if it helps or switch meds. I am inclined to try 40 mg because switching meds seems like starting all over. Have I given it enough time? Has anyone noticed a significant difference by moving from 30 to 40? Thank you, Daryl.

11-03-09, 23:34
absolutely. Only stRted feeling' better once I got to 40 and stabilized for few weeks -good luck :yesyes:

12-03-09, 00:06
Totally agree. 30mg is still a relatively small dose. Give them a chance. Cosnsult your doctor. You can even go up to 60mg.

Best of luck


12-03-09, 19:32
I am now taking 60mg of Citalopram. I started on 20mg, then went up to 40mg, before my doctor increased my Citalopram to 60mg. I have been on Citalopram for over 2 years now. It does take time for Citalopram to work.

Best wishes


13-03-09, 11:20
mine have just been upped from 20 to 40

14-03-09, 00:27
Thank you for all the replies. I have decided to go up to 40 mgs and give it a try. I just want some consistency here after 10 weeks being on the citalopram.

22-03-09, 15:57
After increasing your dose how long do you have to wait to to feel the benefits? Is it another 4-8 weeks or less time?