View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer

11-03-09, 21:25
Ok, now I have really frightened myself (Why don't I ever learn?) I now think I have ovarian cancer. I have the back pain right hand side, the abdominal pain, pelvic pain, and frequency to urinate..... Now I am worried that the docs are going down the wrong avenue looking at my kidneys (xray showed nothing, tests just showed blood in urine) and that they should be looking at Ovarian cancer instead..... I am due to have some blood tests tomorrow and see the doc again next week. Should I tell her I am worried about this now, or will she think I am silly???
It doesn't feel like period pain and most of the pain in concentrated in the right hand side above my hip and back right area...:weep: :weep: :weep:

11-03-09, 21:29

Just about everyone on NMP has ovarian cancer at the moment - or so they think!!!!

Have a read of those posts - do a search and you will see there are hundreds of you in the same position.

This is all cos of Jade Goody I am afraid.

11-03-09, 21:34
Thanks Nic, but she has cervical doesn't she which can be diagnosed by the smear....ovarian is the silent killer so it say :(

11-03-09, 21:55
There was a woman on the good morning programme today that had this ,did you wach this by any chance?A blood test and ultrasound will put your mind at ease.ive aback ache and pelvic pain at mo,i made it worse by gardening this afternoon,i get this quite often and it can also be caused by constipation or IBS. STOP WORRYING luv sue

11-03-09, 22:07
No I didn't see this morning, but I just heard the words on the news this evening and typed it in....google. I was thinking it was kidney issues before then...as was my doc. But I think I swayed their thinking....

11-03-09, 23:17
this does not sound like ovarian cancer. a quick internal ultrasound (which i have often because i have polycystic ovaries) will put your mind at ease.

12-03-09, 02:37
I saw it and i now can't stop thinking about it. On the This Morning they did say that continous bloating was the main difference between IBS and this type of cancer. We do have to remember for us it is most likely to be IBS as it's so closely linked with stress/anxiety, but i know there's always that thought of what if its not. I've been freaking out all day about this as i've had similar symptons to what they descibed on This Morning and today i found a lump between my thigh and groin. Since finding it and watching This Morning my mind has gone into overdrive. I'm awaiting blood tests results, i'm so scared and also wondering if i should mention my Ovarian C scare to the doc. I also think my doctors are now getting fed up of me

12-03-09, 08:31
I too have a fear of ovarian at the moment and it was made worse with it being on the news, i have recently posted on it. I was at the doctors last week and was told my symptoms were from a prolapse after having an internal exam. I'm still not 100% convinced so I think I will ask for a blood test then at least i'll get some peace of mind as i just need to be a little more sure .

17-03-09, 08:46
I too have been having probs with back pain, pelvic pain bleeding etc. Have had the bleeding for yrs and doc thinks it all hormoanl. Smear all up tp date, cervix looks fine etc....
Went to docs last wk with back pain, pelvic pain and this all started after intercourse with hub!
He did swabs & urine test, waiting for results. He thought at first ectopic preg, but impossible! Given me 2 lots of tabs and have to go back on Monday for follow up app. He thinks it could be Endemitriosis (sp?).I am fearing the worst! The thing is i had a Bupa health check in Jan and had full blood count taken complete overhaul, would cancer show up in blood samples? I'm not sure. The only thing that was picked up was high cholesterol.I am really worried and paranoid that something is really wrong. Normally i don't but i think there is so much in news right now and my symptoms are similar. Can anyone relax my mind?


17-03-09, 08:55
I forgot to add that since Nov i have lost about a stone in wight too. I had some real anxiety probs and lost appetite due to death in family and went a little "mad" for a few months. I am linking this into the back pains, pelvic pains etc and 2+2=5 at the moment. I keep weighing myself and eating junk food just to see if i can put some weight back on! I look better for it as i was a little overweight. Minds....who needs one!X


17-03-09, 20:13
This is what is on my mind aswell.

I have lost weight,but look 4 months pregnant,no joke,been having pelvic pain,on off for about a year,had hip pain,back pain and now I have constipation and bouts of diaroeah but I have never been diagnosed with ibs so I dunno..

:'( I been freaking about cervical also cos around the same time I started getting pelvic pain severely(I got a pelvic infection) the Jade Goody(bless her) stuff was going about so since this,my life past few weeks have been alot worse. I have to phone about swabs tomorrow but I don't get results of my smear test for another 3 weeks and I'm 22 and it's my first one! She said when she did it that my cervix etc was ok looking etc but now I'm convinced I have cancer somewhere else down there. :'(

And I will FREAK if my smear is abnormal in ANY way.

I feel your pain petal. *hugs*