View Full Version : Brussel Sprouts!

11-03-09, 22:27
I never eat them but for some reason I bought some and ate them at about 6pm tonight. Hour and half later I got terrible sharp stabbing pain in left side of abdomen on a level with tummy button - I am also passing small amounts of wind:blush: . It really is very painful. I know my bowels are okay as I had a colonsocpy last July but is it likely that they would give me trapped wind within hour and half of eating them???

Sorry for tmi but I feel like I need a gigantic fart:D and as if something is prodding and poking me and moving around inside as well as the bend double sharp stabs.

If nothing else I will never eat brussel sprouts again:mad:

11-03-09, 22:32
The left side of your stomach is where your large intestines (colon) is. Thats where the poop happens!!!!

Sound like you just have wind.

I eat spouts every-single-day, they are known for causing wind, although i am now immune to that...lol

11-03-09, 22:53
Yes Brocolli has the same effect on me, within an hour!

12-03-09, 11:29
This is because brussel sprouts and broccoli are amazing sources for vitamins and minerals. They are packed full of iron which is essential for digestion, therefore vegetables with large quantities of iron cause your digestion to work faster..... hence the stomach cramps and gas. They are so good for you. The are also very high in Vitamin A, which protects your cells from becoming cancerous... so eat as many as you can :)

12-03-09, 16:40
It's wine, lie on your back & rub your tummy in a clockwise direction, should get it moving. :)

12-03-09, 19:38
Oh the joys of brussel sprouts! :biggrin:

Just pleased that I an not stood down wind from you lol.

Seriously, this is very common, but the more often you eat them the less effect it has on you.

Pharrrpp!!!! more tea vicar? :biggrin: