View Full Version : Hidradenitis Suppurativa scare ..

11-03-09, 23:54
Hi, all. First of all, let me just say thank you to anyone who might read this and try to help me out. I'm not typically a big worrier, but this is scaring me to death. A month or two ago, I started noticing these small, itchy spots under my arm. When it got too itchy, I went to the doctor and she prescribed me some Nystatin. Well, the itch is completely gone, but I've been using it for three weeks and the sores have moved down my side a bit and I now have four bigger sores. ( Not too big, though. ) I also have a really small boil on my thigh, but it seems to be going away just fine. But I read up on Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and it describes the starting stage as sores, boils, etc. I'm so scared that I feel nauseaus. The worst part is that supposedly, it's really hard to diagnose and it eventually turns into a debilitating disease. :weep: Any help, ideas what this might be?

Also, here's the link to the website I used: http://www.hs-usa.org/hidradenitis_suppurativa.htm

12-03-09, 00:20
Hi there... I do not know a lot about this... But, if I were you I would just go get it looked at. It is probably nothing serious, but it never hurts to get it looked it. Dont be scared... because since you are already thinking you may have it, you will not be one of the ones who goes undiagnosed... Those are the people who ignore it, and never get it looked at. I know how hard it is to be worried about something so out of our control... But just for a piece of mind I would get it looked at.

12-03-09, 00:42
Thanks for the reassurance. :) I already got it looked at back when she first gave me the medicine, but she said it was probably something with yeast. But she just glanced at it, said that, and gave me some medicine. I'm going to make another appointment, though.