View Full Version : Any Vets out there ? Please help.

12-03-09, 08:30
My anxiety is usually caused because of my worrying of other people and animals. I've been having these horrible thoughts, thinking I was the cause of my 19mth old siamese cat to become sick. He was cherished here and I loved him very much, he was like a 3rd baby of mine.

I've been worrying all night after reading about some possibilities of the cause of his disease.

I feel terrible thinking i've done something wrong, one thing I know is that I saw him eating some daffodils that were in a vase on the table (this was last May/June and thinking about it now, this was just before he become sick). Daffodils are toxic (I didn't realise this until last night).

I've also left bleach in a bucket after cleaning the floors,.. he could have drunk some of this couldn't he ?

What have I done ? This could have all been my fault, now I will never know.

His health deteriorated so much, he became very Jaundiced and stopped eating.

He was put down two weeks ago : (

I feel terrible, thoughts are running around in my head.

Also,.. although he was only 19mths old, he had never brought up a hairball - Ever. I know he was always trying to and he found it difficult to breath because of it. I've also read that some cats need Hairballs surgically removed, although rare. But the Vet said that the Tumour he had was rare.

The Vet was adamant that he had a Tumour, his thoughts straight away and that there was nothing they could have done, he wouldn't have survived surgery. He said he could feel the Tumour wrapped inside his small, large intestine and alittle on his bowel. He said the Tumour was so large he couldn't distinguish between organs. But he never took any Xrays.

What if this was lots of Hairballs stuck in his intestines and his intestine became infected that caused his Jaundice aswell as him eating the Daffodils ? Toxic plants cause Jaundice.

Could this have been a possibility ?

Please help put my mind at rest, I really need to know if i've done something terribly wrong and that he could have had a chance of survival.

I may either call the Vet today or write him an email, in hope he'll reply. But thought, i'd ask here first.

Thanks. x

12-03-09, 09:53
I couldn't wait any longer, I've just called the Vet and I just can't stop crying now. Everything was fine and I thought I had moved on, until I read some info on the Net.

Vet probably thought I was some loon as I talking 100mph, I've been up all night because of it.

He told me I was beating myself up, he believes it was nothing to do with Daffodils or hairballs. He said he definately had a Tumour and that all they could have done was to find out the cause, not save his life going by his health.

So really it could have been the Daffodils or bleach couldn't it ? I think he may have been trying to make me feel better by telling me it wasn't anything i'd done wrong.

God I feel so horrible.

12-03-09, 11:20
Hey Katie,

I'm not a vet but I do have a degree in Zoology ... and I did a little work experince in the vets! So you know .. :P

We need to break this down and really think it through - 1st of all you should trust your vets judgement, they wouldnt let you go away thinking it was something it wasnt, the 1st reason for this I can think of is because he would want to educate you about daffodills/bleach if he thought that was the cause. This is going to sound fairly awful ... but I have seen vets carry out proceedures to bring in money because to put an animal under anaesthetic etc is very expensive. He was very good not to operate on your cat if he thought he wouldnt make it. Also with tumours, as the animal cannot communicate to you how it is feeling, most of the time by the time we find tumours they are too advanced to do anything about. You can do investagatory proceedures, but there generally isnt a lot you can do for the poor animal.

As for the daffodils you left on the side, thats totaly not your fault! Its true he could have eaten some of them, and yes they can cause side effects in humans and animals - but he could just have easily gone outside and eaten a daffodil and there would have been nothing you could do to stop it. He could have gotten into the bleach ... but there is a reason bleach smells soooo bad and its to stop this happening! In my experience the smell of bleach alone puts animals off going near it - their sensitive noses just cant take it, and same as with the daffodils if he had a reaction you would have seen it almost immediatly - throwing up, looking weak, not eating etc.

Sorry I know I have gone on ... and on! But you should stop worrying that it is your fault, sometimes these things just happen and there is nothing we can do to stop them :(

Im sorry he had to be put down, I hope you start to feel better soon :bighug1: xx

12-03-09, 11:37
Thanks so much Gemma, what you have written has made me feel so much better.:hugs:

Because I was just this minute thinking the same, that he would have become ill straight after eating the daffodil, like you say,.. being sick etc and for you to have explained this also, has put my mind at rest.

You've also explained about the Bleach (bad smell) etc, after calming down a bit I too thought he shouldn't have drunk any, but I couldn't help but think,.. what if ?
You've definately reasured me because you've mentioned that it is very unlikely.

Thanks so much for writing Gemma,.. I should stop crying now and just accept that what happened wasn't my fault and that it was just one of those horrible cruel illnesses that can happen in life.

I really appreciate your time, thank you. :flowers:

Hey Katie,

I'm not a vet but I do have a degree in Zoology ... and I did a little work experince in the vets! So you know .. :P

We need to break this down and really think it through - 1st of all you should trust your vets judgement, they wouldnt let you go away thinking it was something it wasnt, the 1st reason for this I can think of is because he would want to educate you about daffodills/bleach if he thought that was the cause. This is going to sound fairly awful ... but I have seen vets carry out proceedures to bring in money because to put an animal under anaesthetic etc is very expensive. He was very good not to operate on your cat if he thought he wouldnt make it. Also with tumours, as the animal cannot communicate to you how it is feeling, most of the time by the time we find tumours they are too advanced to do anything about. You can do investagatory proceedures, but there generally isnt a lot you can do for the poor animal.

As for the daffodils you left on the side, thats totaly not your fault! Its true he could have eaten some of them, and yes they can cause side effects in humans and animals - but he could just have easily gone outside and eaten a daffodil and there would have been nothing you could do to stop it. He could have gotten into the bleach ... but there is a reason bleach smells soooo bad and its to stop this happening! In my experience the smell of bleach alone puts animals off going near it - their sensitive noses just cant take it, and same as with the daffodils if he had a reaction you would have seen it almost immediatly - throwing up, looking weak, not eating etc.

Sorry I know I have gone on ... and on! But you should stop worrying that it is your fault, sometimes these things just happen and there is nothing we can do to stop them :(

Im sorry he had to be put down, I hope you start to feel better soon :bighug1: xx

Little Miss Anxious
12-03-09, 11:44
I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad.

Sadly Pets die & we may never know why, I lost my little cat last year, its a little different as she was 11 years old but one day she was full of life (she was never a poorly cat) within a week she took very poorly & I had to have her put to sleep, I was devestated, still shed a tear every now & again. Afterwards I beat myself up for having to take her to be put to sleep, I beat myself up for not staying with her until the end, i was just to upset, when all this happened my husband was overseas, he was coming home on the Tuesday but I had to have her put to sleep on the Monday so I blamed myself that I couldn't have waited for him to say goodbye to her. My point is its only natural to sometimes blame ourselves weather its for them getting ill or how we dealt with it, I think its all a part of the greiving process, after all our pets are part of our families.

Dont even think about the dafodils or bleach causing it, you cant completely cat-proof a house, they are inquisitive little things & will stick there noses into anything - most of which will do them very little if no harm. It does sound like natural causes & sadly our animals cant tell us how they feel, the vet told me that our Pepsi may have had her tumour for well over a year & there is no way we could have had any idea - she never showed any signs of being even slightly off colour.

Its is very sad to lose them but please dont blame yourself, I know its small comfort but your beloved pet wont be suffering now. Bet they are out there wherever we go afterlife causing mayhem !!

I hope you feel better soon, big hugs :bighug1:

12-03-09, 11:53
Thanks so much for writing Little Miss Anxious, for your thoughts and understanding.:hugs:

I'm sorry to hear about your cat too.

Take good care xx

I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad.

Sadly Pets die & we may never know why, I lost my little cat last year, its a little different as she was 11 years old but one day she was full of life (she was never a poorly cat) within a week she took very poorly & I had to have her put to sleep, I was devestated, still shed a tear every now & again. Afterwards I beat myself up for having to take her to be put to sleep, I beat myself up for not staying with her until the end, i was just to upset, when all this happened my husband was overseas, he was coming home on the Tuesday but I had to have her put to sleep on the Monday so I blamed myself that I couldn't have waited for him to say goodbye to her. My point is its only natural to sometimes blame ourselves weather its for them getting ill or how we dealt with it, I think its all a part of the greiving process, after all our pets are part of our families.

Dont even think about the dafodils or bleach causing it, you cant completely cat-proof a house, they are inquisitive little things & will stick there noses into anything - most of which will do them very little if no harm. It does sound like natural causes & sadly our animals cant tell us how they feel, the vet told me that our Pepsi may have had her tumour for well over a year & there is no way we could have had any idea - she never showed any signs of being even slightly off colour.

Its is very sad to lose them but please dont blame yourself, I know its small comfort but your beloved pet wont be suffering now. Bet they are out there wherever we go afterlife causing mayhem !!

I hope you feel better soon, big hugs :bighug1:

12-03-09, 19:32
Hi Katie

So sorry to hear how upset you are about your dear cat.

I have to agree with what Gemma said. You have got a great vet who knew what he was doing, was the kindest thing for your cat. Some vets can exploit our love for our pets and perform unnecessary procedures and dish out medication, just to get us to part with money.

Your beloved cat was very lucky to have such a wonderful, caring 'Mum'. Please don't beat yourself up and try to reflect the wonderful time you shared together.

:bighug1: xxxx

12-03-09, 19:51
Hi Katie

So sorry to hear how upset you are about your dear cat.

I have to agree with what Gemma said. You have got a great vet who knew what he was doing, was the kindest thing for your cat. Some vets can exploit our love for our pets and perform unnecessary procedures and dish out medication, just to get us to part with money.

Your beloved cat was very lucky to have such a wonderful, caring 'Mum'. Please don't beat yourself up and try to reflect the wonderful time you shared together.

:bighug1: xxxx

Thanks sunshine-lady :), it's true that the Vet is very good, he spent sometime with me on the phone and was telling me to slow down and to stop beating myself up :blush:. He told me I did my very best for him and that it wasn't my fault.

I've felt so stressed for all of last night and crying, it set my Anxiety off big time ! But these messages I've received today have definately helped reassure me and I have been feeling better than I did this morning.

He was one in a million, the most adorable little thing. I miss him so much.

Thanks for writing Sunshine-Lady and I hope you're feeling well. :flowers: xx

12-03-09, 19:58

Im sorry to hear about your cat.:bighug1:

You sound like a very caring person and animal lover and like the others have said its just one of those things so dont blame yourself hun. I bet you loved and cared for your cat the best you could in its short life it was lucky to have someone as caring as you hun.

Hope you feel better soon
:hugs: :hugs:

12-03-09, 22:16
I once took my guineapig to the vets, she was clearly dying - being fairly old, and very thin. The vet put her though lots of shots and investigations in that one visit, charged us a fortune and she died that night anyways. Wish the vet hadnt bothered with all that!
So definatly best that didnt happen to you :)

Remember you still need to grieve, and crying and feeling anxious is part of that so give yourself time!

13-03-09, 17:02
I'm sorry to carry on with this, but when I first wrote this message yesterday, I also wrote the same post on a Pet Forum.

I've been told by a member that I was naive and that I should have known Daffodils were toxic. I was also told by two members that the Daffodil had probably weakened the Liver and Kidneys and that it was a possibilty that he couldn't fight the Tumour that was killing him.

I feel so stupid for not knowing that these flowers were toxic. I feel so terribly guilty, that if I had known back then, I wouldn't have hesitated and taken him straight to the Vet.

I was told by one member that Daffodils can't cause Tumours, but then by the same person who told me I was naive that it could have done.

I'm in a mess right now, my Anxiety has shot through the roof.

I feel irritable, stressed and so annoyed with myself !! My head feels like it's gonna explode and I can't stop crying. I can't bare the thought of this, what have I done ? :weep:

13-03-09, 19:39
The lady has also mentioned that she works with animals.

I could have killed him,... I feel rotten and so stupid. Oh god,.. what have I done ? : (

I feel like i'm gonna faint, I feel sick.

13-03-09, 19:49
katie you did nothing wrong if you had the vet would have said , dont worry

13-03-09, 19:52
I'm in a mess about this now, I could have prevented this from happening. I can't bear this :weep:

13-03-09, 19:52

STOP!!! No way did you do anything to cause this gal!! A cat won't drink bleach hun because the smell would put it off straight away.

Daffoldils, wouldn't do that either. Your vet is right hun when he/she said you were beating yourself up and your cat passed away with a tumour.

Who on earth is this person that is filling your head with this?



13-03-09, 20:00
She says that she works with animals and it sounds like she knows whats she's talking about.

I'm in a complete mess, can't stop crying, I feel so stupid to have not known.

I'm still waiting for another reply from her, as I asked her if it could have actually caused the Tumour itself or just damaged the Kidneys and Liver. She didn't mention anything about the Tumour, but did say it damages the Kidneys, Liver etc.

If toxins can't cause Tumours then I'll feel alittle better about that, I'm just waiting for an answer, as I misread her earlier posts saying that it can.

They can definately damage the organs though.

Thanks for your posts.


STOP!!! No way did you do anything to cause this gal!! A cat won't drink bleach hun because the smell would put it off straight away.

Daffoldils, wouldn't do that either. Your vet is right hun when he/she said you were beating yourself up and your cat passed away with a tumour.

Who on earth is this person that is filling your head with this?



13-03-09, 20:12
This lady has replied, I feel calmer and can breath. This is her answer;

No they cannot directly cause a tumor. They only lower the immune system so that the cancer cells that were already present can grow faster. He would have become ill either way, he just became ill faster and probably suffered less than if it had grown slowly with out you knowing and him going through horrible times and testing.

Thanks to those that have replied to me, I really appreciate your help. :flowers: