View Full Version : can i increase my dose without extra side effects?

12-03-09, 08:31
I've been on citalopram for about 3 months, it got me out of a depressed slump and has really been helping with anxiety. There have been a few side effects, especially in the first 3 weeks where my anxiety was through the roof and I had my first panic attacks. Also, I've been kind of hyperactive in the evenings, but doing something like reading, or having a bath seems to help.

Right now I've got a lot on my plate as I'm a student and have exams and deadlines coming up. My stress levels are coming up again and I'm getting a bit moody.

If I increase my doese from 20mg to 40mg, just for about a month, am I going to see those initial side effects again? I can't get through to my GP to ask- super busy student health department.

I don't think having that hyper anxiety I experienced at the start of taking the pills will be at all helpful right now, but if it calms me down more and makes me a bit happier, that would be soooo good. anxiety really not helping me get any work done.

ps. good luck to anyone on citalopram, I've found them really helpful (once the side effects settle down - apparently thats a good sign they're working, but might not feel like that at the time!)

12-03-09, 09:01
Hi there

It is likely that if you had side-effects when you first started this drug that you will get it when you increase the dose.

You should also talk to doc before increasing it as there may be a good reason to keep you on the lower dose.