View Full Version : Highly anxious about mental sensations

12-03-09, 08:49
Hi everybody, recently i have been having some really strange sensations in my mind that have aggravated my level of anxiety (ive always been really health paranoid). Its really hard to describe, but basically what happens is that i see/smell/hear something that triggers a strange distortion in my mind and sends my brain into overdrive so that it feels like its being squeezed. Instantly i go into a highly anxious state because it feels like i have no control. I think its been getting worse since ive been increasingly paranoid about it, because its been happening more frequently. Reading the posts on this site has been encouraging, but like any anxious person i guess i need more reassurance that im not going crazy or developing a severe mental problem. any help is much appreciated.

12-03-09, 10:47
Hi William,

It sounds very much like irrational thoughts heightening your anxiety. And the reason these are getting more frequent and more intense is your growing fear of them returning. Naturally this is the case because you have no way of dealing with them.

I'll let somebody else give you advice on what to do with them as its not something I have experienced myself and know there are different views on how best to deal with them. I hope though you can find a solution to help you with these.

all the best


16-03-09, 05:29
cheers for the response nechtan, im seeing a doctor soon and ill hopefully get some answers.