View Full Version : Still very worried.........

12-03-09, 10:00
I have put some posts on here in the last week because I was worried about Pancreatis. I had blood tests done and the result were back yesterday and all normal. This time yesterday I was on cloud nine.......not anymore :weep: . Last night the discomfort in my abdomen was really bad and I had it all night too. I've got up this morning and the pain seems to be localised in my left side towards my back. It hurts when I press it and I'm now worried sick I have ovarian cancer. I've got myself down in the dumps and I can't seem to concentrate on anything else but my health.
When I was at the doctors for my results yesterday I didn't have this pain in my side and wasn't even thinking of ovarian cancer.......how I wish I had this pain yesterday morning so I could've mentioned it. I hate phoning my doctors surgery for an appointment, the receptionists are always difficult and there never seems to be any appointments available. I dont really want to bother my GP again ( he will think I'm mad cos I've been twice in the last week!!). Please could you give me some advice/reassurance on this one. My blood count was normal so I take some comfort from that but I can't get this ovarian cancer worry out of my head. WHY doesn't this bloated feeling go away? I've had it for a week now although I've only been taking IBS tablets for 3 days. WHY have I developed this painful/tender place in the left side? I haven't been lifting anything heavy or exercising.
I am 52 and came off the mini pill 6 weeks ago and I'm so worried that now I've come off the pill this "silent killer" is rearing it's ungly head :weep: .
I am going to be a grand mother for the first time next month and I have been looking forward to this for so long but this constant worrying is spoiling things.

I very much hope to hear from you soon x

13-03-09, 11:36
Hello Vinny,

How are you feeling today?

I've been in a similar situation over a different health concern, not wanting to see my doctors etc. I think my advice would be to take a deep breath and actually write a letter to your doctor explaining your concerns - I'm sure they would understand and get back to you with advice? As you've been in twice already, they'd probably understand your worries about making another appointment.

Alternatively, is there a nurse at your surgery that you could go along and just talk to? They can be very understanding and make suggestions as to whether you should see your doctor or maybe someone like a counsellor to talk to.

Just my thoughts having been there myself!

Wendy xx

13-03-09, 11:48
Thank you for replying Wendy, I was so disappointed because I wasn't getting any replies.
I have made an appointment for next Wednesday and will try not to get too worked up about it between then and now.
The pain and discomfort went off yesterday evening and I was so releived but it came back in the night. I still don't understand it.

13-03-09, 11:59
Oooh! Well done for making an appointment Vinny! It might still be worth you actually writing down your concerns on paper before seeing your doctor because, if you're like me, you'll probably forget to ask something or feel it's not important! I really hope they can put your mind at rest.

Oh - and I forgot to say - congratulations on your soon-to-be-born grandchild!!!

Wendy xxx

PS: I'm nearly 55 and have awful memory problems due to the good old menopause (they say we're going through the change - I'm wondering what on earth I'm going to change INTO!:D ) - which is another reason I've resorted to writing things down when I have to explain something to someone - cos it's there one minute and gone the next!!!:scared15:

13-03-09, 14:15
You have made me smile Wendy, thank you so much for your replies.


PS....I've always been a bit scatty with remembering things!!

13-03-09, 17:32
I had a sleepless night this week with my recurring "indigestion" and pain under my ribs. Got up early and put on the TV right in the middle of an interview with a woman who had ovarian cancer and guess what, her symptoms were just the same as mine. went to the doctor in a panic and saw a new lady doctor who seemed very nice and told her my sad tale. She examined me and said my pain was an irritated stomach caused by acid caused by anxiety. She also said that thanks to the item on the TV she expected a constant flood of ladies thinking the same as me. She prescribed some tablets which are brilliant, it's like having a new stomach! On the way out I mentioned cancer of the pancreas, another of my theories, and she said I didn't have the right symptoms and no she wasn't daft enough to tell me what they were! I think we are going to get on very well together and next time we are discussing my anxiety and why it might be a good idea to try some different tablets for it instead of the ones my usual doc has been giving me a repeat prescription for 20 years.