View Full Version : fear of death

12-03-09, 10:27
i am a 24 year old mother of two girls, one is 4 and one is 3,
after having my second daughter i developed the fear of dying, it is in my thoughts every day and the more people i know that die the worse it gets.
nobody round about me understands i think my partner might leave he says im mad and gets really frustrated that he is not able to help me. i make him stay awake every night untill i fall asleep or i would be awake all night crying.

if i go in the car i think i might be in a car crash or if i go into town i think i will be mugged, its always there.
i dont stay in, if i keep occupied its at the back of my mind but as soon as i stop its back there.

is anybody as bad as me?

Granny Primark
12-03-09, 11:01
Hi patmac and welcome to the site.
This is a really common fear and im sure there are loads of people who can completly identify with your fear.
Me included. Especially with you having young children.
Im sure with all the news at the moment about a celebrity thats dying it must make things loads worse for you.
Im sure you will get loads of advice and support from the members.
just want to send you some (((hugs)))

12-03-09, 11:10
hi, and welcome to the site.
you are not alone with your thoughts.
my anxiety started after i had my youngest daughter who is now 3 1/2.
i am going through the exact same thoughts and fears as you are.
also the exact same as you are with your partner.
i understand fully.
a visit to the doctors is a must.you cant go through this alone,you need to talk to people about where your head is at.i am not aying you are the same as me but can only let you know the help and advice i am getting and may help you in the right direction.
it is really scary the thoughts you are having,i used to try not to sleep no matter how tired i was with the thought that i wasn't going to wake up in the morning,i started to think of one of my plans i had for the next day to go off to sleep,a little bit of positive thinking i found helped a lot.
keeping yourself busy is good,but with 2 little ones dont knacker yourself out.
do you have anybody close you can talk to,if not maybe a counseller would be good,i am now having counselling,so as idont feel that i am driving my partner mad,that is just an added stress that you do not need to have.they are there for us,it is just how we are thinking at the moment.i feel somedays the insecurity that i may drive my partner away,another stress that dos not help,being able to offload to another relieves a little of te stress in the relationship.
i could talk for ages with you i understand fully,firstly please seek some help from the docs,if you need to chat at any time you can catch me on my msn.
divinelily@live.co.uk my name is lisa nice to meet you.
there are alo many lovely peple to talk to hear also.
take care and talk to you again soon

12-03-09, 11:21
I constantly have these thoughts too, though I'm more so petrified of something happening to my children, partner, friends and rest of family. I understand that this can be just life (accidents happening),.. but my fear of it is overwhelming and it can't be healthy to keep having these horrible thoughts rushing through my head everyday.

I've lost some close people to me through some tragic accidents and so it's probably no wonder why I constantly worry over this. I'm petrified of my children getting run over.

I cry quite often because of the intense worry,... even knowing that nothing has happened, the stress of these feelings is just so upsetting.

You're not alone x

Oh no,.. it's back again. What happened to that Optimist outlook I was beginning to learn : (

12-03-09, 12:00
Hi patmac,
As your're probably aware by now,a lot suffer with the same fear,myself included.
My fear of dying started some 20years ago when both my parents died.I managed to conquer it with help from my doctor and meds (Clomipramine)but unfortunately,for some reason, my fear returned not long after i had my son 2years ago.I think its due to the fact that my son is so young and it terrifies me to think i may not be around to see him grow up(im 43 and both my parents died in their fifties)
Im now back having treatment through my doctor and i hope to rid myself of this again.
It can be done,you just need the right help and support.
wishing you all the best,
alli :hugs:

12-03-09, 19:45
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

13-03-09, 01:07
Hi Patmac, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I also have a terrible fear of death. I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling. :hugs:

Best wishes xx :flowers:

13-03-09, 08:57
Hi there and :welcome: to the site , a lot of good advice here that really helps, as for the fear of death a lot of us feel like that so hopefully we can help one another get through it, take care xx

13-03-09, 10:15
thank you everyone,
i feel a lot more confident today and not as much like an idiot. everyone i talk to say they are not afraid of death, i couldnt sleep again last night but feel that a trip to the doctors may help but i am afraid.
to funky fairy i dont have anyone to discuss my fears with at home as i moved away 2 years ago so my partner was nearer work i think this has made my fear much more intense because i feel that they only have me x:)

14-03-09, 15:15
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

11-11-14, 18:04
Hello, I too suffer this fear. I hope the knowledge that there are others who feel the same way helps you out. I send you big hugs. I hope you overcome your fears and that everyone on this site does as well. I hope we all find a peace with our mortality.

14-11-14, 16:05
I am new and have two little girls, I feel the same instead I convince myself I have a serious illness. I can't stand the thought if leaving them and am driving my husband crazy! Can totally relate.