View Full Version : newbie here please help

12-03-09, 10:28
hiya all
am new here and am sorry to be a pain but if any one can help me it would mean a lot

4-5 weeks ago i started having back pains they never got wrose they alway's been the same but feels like each day the pain is in a different place in my back witch i dont understand
is this me just keep thinking about it and the anxiety or does it mean i going to die?

12-03-09, 10:58
There are so many reasons for back pain. It could be a pulled muscle, stress as you are tensing muscles, bad posture etc

There is no reason to think you are going to die from it.

A good massage should help as well.

Have you seen the doc about it?

12-03-09, 11:00
Hi wotcanisay
you are not going to die i can assure you of that .
The back muscles are a highly group of very strong tissues to support
the spine,spinal cord ect and any strain on them can result in back pain
anywhere ,not confined to one place.Also you anxiety can make them worse and tense up so why not pop down to docs and have a word mayb help ease your mind.Some Great relaxation tips on this site and i always went for a anti
immflamatory when back was sore something like ibuprofen.I weightlifted for 17 years and reminds me of time i went to physio with a bad back and she asked where it was sore i said bottom left side ,she said you said right side last week lol i replied so what its not defined to one place
See doc see what he says and take a anti immflamatory
all the best

12-03-09, 11:04
hiya thank you for reply nomorepanic and finny
seen the doctor six times:blush:

he knows me well lol

at frist he thought it was indigestion. but now sent me to a sports physio
i keep taking diffeent kinds of pain killers like there are sweeties but they do nothing to take pain away

12-03-09, 19:20
i keep thinking its cancer of the liver. couse at xmas i had blood test taken and came back saying my iron was low. and that i maybe have a fatty liver
test can back of my liver and said it look fine. but since about then the pain's have started in my back in the top half and in my side. the doctor knows my fear. i like my doctor alot and he done alot for me. but right for some reason i just cant trust him

sorry to be a pain but i need words of support. and i cant stop my mind from think the wrose:weep: