View Full Version : Palpitations, please help, newbie here!

12-03-09, 13:44
Hello everyone
I have just joined this group. I am 29 and have suffered with anxiety since i was 16, my first symptoms were palps! To cut along story short, i often have palps. Sometimes once in a while sometimes all day. Today i am having little palps/feelings in my throat. They are happening every few minutes for the odd beat. How can i stop them? Can anyone give me any advice? I take beta blockers and anti depressents. Just today seems to worse but i dont know why. I dont have any unusual stress. Please help

12-03-09, 13:55
This is my main concern to. I just started beta blockers, today will be my 3rd day an dI hope they help. They scared me so bad and right now I am waiting for a 24 hr holter results, my echo was normal. I wish I could tell you how to stop them , but I can not get my mind away from them long enough to think of anything else...I don't have any unusual stress either. So you have been having palps since you were 16?

12-03-09, 14:15
Yes i have had them on and off since i was 16, i didnt realise they were beacuse of anxiety at first, but i have now had several tests including the 24 tape and it showed just an ectopic beat, nothing at all to worry about. Except all i do is worry! I knwo they wont harm me but i just really hate them. Maybe if i could learn to put up with them id be ok. I am awaiting the start of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help me. And i really hope it does. I have been in a terrible state recently.
I also take beta blockers, im on 160mg a day of slow release propanalol. I sill get the palps but i think they do help a little
Let me know how you get on

12-03-09, 14:31
Thats what they tell me to, my dr says I am ok, they are common, that its anxiety. But yes, thats all I do to, is worry. Let me know how the CBT goes. I am looking into different things now to. How many times a day do you get them?

12-03-09, 16:00
It varies from maybe once a day, to hundreds a day :( Today is the worst theyve been in a while, i dont knwo why!
my doctor first said it was all in my head, i broke down many times in front of him but he just thought i was a head case, i eventually changed doctors and got it sorted straight away. I found out it wasnt serious but im still having trouble eith the anxiety :(
I have tried hypnotherapy, aromatherapy and various phsycotherapists etc, im pinning all my hopes on CBT now
keep in touch

12-03-09, 16:32

I doubt very much its anything wrong with your heart. The problem is once we start to notice it we then really notice it and then if we dont hear our heart we begin to worry even more.
I have had palps missed heart beats etc but thats all anxiety. Try and accept it and not to focus on it as much...yes hard to do but believe me you will get there


12-03-09, 18:00
hello everyone.

i have been having palps/eptopic beats for about a year on and off now, just about the time i took over a new property business - not a great time!

i have had about 3 ecgs, blood tests and an echo and nothing bad has ever shown up.

My sister has a heart condition called hypertrophic cardio myopathy, i have been told i dont have it but it always makes the worrying worse as palpitations are a symptom of the disease.

Some days i will have 1 and today for example i have had about 10 every 5 mins always in runs of 3. i cant focus at work when i really need to. the doc gave me beta blockers that dont really help.

thank you all for sharing your support


14-03-09, 21:38
Hey all, I have pretty much the same thing, palps and propranolol.

It's good that you got a doctor who understands, gizmo, I find some are just completely unhelpful. The woman I see at the minute has had anxiety herself and overcome it tho - brilliant! When is your CBT starting? I am also waiting for mine.. will try anything.

Hey andy, these things always seem to start at the worst times don't they!

Take care

15-03-09, 20:13

i have been having palps for 10yrs ever since my anxiety started before that i didn't have any at all. When they first started i worried so much i was making myself ill. i had loads of reasurance that it was from anxiety i didn't worry so much then they just annoyed i would get 100's a day.

They have calmed down so much, since last week i my get the odd one or two a day now i have decaf tea which i think is helping.

linda x