View Full Version : Lung cancer worries

12-03-09, 21:46
I have had a pain deep within my left shoulder blade for over 2 months now and tonight it's unbearable. My GP says that it's muscular but surely it would have sorted itself out by now and my doctor didn't even examine me. I think she is brushing all of my symptoms under the blanket of 'health anxiety'. I "think" that I have lung cancer as one of the symptoms is pain under & between your shoulder blades. No amount of pain killers or massages will get rid of it and I am trying not to panic and run back to the doctors, but I can feel the anxiety building as I type. Wouldn't the pain have gone if it was muscular and it actually feels really deep inside my body and I'm sure it's my lungs :weep:

12-03-09, 22:08
I have spinal problems and get awful pain under my shoulder blades that can last for a long time. does movement affect it at all???

I assume you are a smoker to be worried about lung cancer??? It is very very rare in non smokers. A chest x ray would resolve your worry so why don't you ask you Dr to send you for one just for reassurance - be honest and tell her your fears - she shouldn't refuse even if its only for peace of mind.

12-03-09, 22:44
Hiya. i have had exactly the same thing on and off for a couple of months, but have had it constantly for a few weeks now (since ive given up smoking ironically!)....but mainly within my right shoulder blade.

I instantly thought lung cancer when i first got the pain too! the doc said it was muscular, a mixture of poor posture sitting and a lot of writing/typing. I actually had a series of lectures about lung cancer the other week...and back pain isnt a common presenting symptom at all, most common (and earliest) symptoms are actually a persistant cough and coughing up blood x

14-04-09, 07:00

I just wanted to add here that I too have the deep pain around my right shoulder blade and I have had for at least 3 months. Sometimes its better than others but its always there. I smoke about 15 a day, and I don't even have to tell you what my biggest fear would be, right?

I think it is rediculous these days that everywhere you look, there are worrying, morbid catchphrases about smoking - it's no wonder that people think they have lung cancer. I mean look at the stuff they have on a cigarette packet now. It just makes it far worse. I doubt as many people worried about lung cancer 50 years ago when people smoked like 80 a day and without filters too.

Hope your pains all get better
