View Full Version : Anxiety (relapse) and time management/ getting things done

expecto patronum
12-03-09, 23:38
Hi, I haven't posted on here in ages, I have only just admitted to myself properly that I still have an anxiety problem. Basically I think it's because I have been much worse than this in the past, and so I have been kidding myself into thinking that I'm fine for about the last 18 months. But just recently I have been forced to realise that this is still something that affects my life in a big way, and that I need to do something about it, but I don't know where to go from here. I just find that I get so frustrated with myself, about having anxiety in the first place, and about how it affects my ability to get things done. I just feel that time anxiety is ruling my life at the moment, to the point that I can't enjoy my time off, I get so stressed at work about what I see as my failure to get things done, and I just feel that there's a big ticking clock over my head whenever I'm trying to do something: I've only just got around to posting on here because I haven't 'allowed' myself the time before now. I try not to have an agenda as to what I want to get done in a day, but allowing myself to do nothing isn't the answer as it's not practical. I just can't seem to take a relaxed approach, and it's so frustrating because I know if I could just relax about it, not only would I be able to enjoy my time off, but chances are I'd get more done when I was doing stuff. I understand that it's my expectations that have to change, as I always have unrealistic expectations of what I can acheive and then beat myself up when I can't reach the goals I've set out, but I don't really know where to start. I have a CBT book, the Dummies Guide, but have yet to find time to read enough or do any exercises, how ridiculous is that??!
I couldn't find anything on here about time anxiety, I just wondered if other people have anything similar to this?

13-03-09, 02:37
Hi rossie

I can relate to the pressures of work i often feel i havent enough time in the day to interact with clients and do all my paper work and yeah sometimes it goes undone and I have to do a mad catch up. When it gets like this I do tend to break things down and write lists and tick them off as I go. This gives a sense of completion and achievement and the list usually includes breaks and time away too lol Sometimes the very things we avoid like structure to a degree because we believe we should have a more laid back approach can often be our undoing. There is nothing wrong with being spontaneous, ut we also have to combine that with being organised. organising and having tick lists are the kind of thinks that eliminate the environmental anxiety we feel both at home and work. try to be proactive in this direction and take a little control. I swear there is nothing better than ticking something off and saying right thats that done im gonna have a cuppa and crack on with the next thing.

hope this helps a little.

Pooh xx

expecto patronum
13-03-09, 13:55
Thanks Pooh. Although at the moment lists just seem to make me more stressed as my lists are always hugely unrealistic as I always underestimate how long it takes to do things! I am going to *make* myself do some CBT exercises though. I think it all comes down to being too hard on yourself though, I feel like I *should* be able to get everything done, and if I don't, I'm useless. I was allowed to come home early from work today to get some rest, I cried in front of my boss because I was feeling so anxious. She asked me what was wrong and I just broke down :unsure: Now I feel a bit useless and pathetic about that, but still quite relieved that I've HAD to just stop and rest for once.