View Full Version : Hello everyone, another newbie.

13-03-09, 00:25
Hi everyone,

I just came across this forum while searching for info on Citalopram online.

After being on Fluoxetine for 12 years, a psychiatrist has suggested I change to Citalopram to try to conbat the awful anxiety I've been feeling. I've always had it but it's gotten to the point where I'm scared to even take a bin bag out! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's experience of Citalopram in the medication forum, when I'm not so tired and stressed out! (whenever that may be :winks: )

I seem to be able to turn even the smallest, most inconsequential non-problem into a matter of life or death! Aaaargh! I want to go to bed now, but I struggle to do it when I'm not exhausted.

Anyway, I hope to get to know you all and be able to contribute to the forum!

L x

13-03-09, 01:22
Hi Lenore, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

13-03-09, 08:40
:welcome: I too have had experience with both fluox and citalopram....cit really helped with my anxiety...the only reason i have swapped was because it wasn't helping my depression....good luck x

Veronica H
13-03-09, 08:40
:welcome: Lenore. You will find comfort and support here.


13-03-09, 08:53
hi lenore, i have been on citalopram for over a week now, i must admit the 1st few days made me feel a bit more anxious with dry mouth but its really helped stop my shaking in public, i also couldnt cry the 1st week, i can now but think its because im only on the lowest dose so maybe my GP will up my dose when i return to visit him in a few days! I was warned against anti depressants by all my friends but im glad iv tried them as they really are helping! Hope you have a good experience on them too x

13-03-09, 09:04
Hi Lenore and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here that helps a lot, take care xx

13-03-09, 14:25
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!


13-03-09, 16:07
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

13-03-09, 16:19
Sounds great, I'll see you in there!

14-03-09, 15:12
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

09-06-11, 20:50
I thought I'd 'bump' this thread as a re-introduction as I haven't been here since 2009! :doh: Time flies when you're having...erm...obsessional thoughts :roflmao:

The citalopram didn't work out for me so I've been on Fluoxetine again since the end of 2009. I'm about to start taking Clomipramine on top of the fluoxetine to get this anxiety/pure o/ocd/whatever it is under control. Hopefully this time I'll stick around and not get distracted by shiny things :D