View Full Version : PLEASE HELP!! Too young for this.

13-03-09, 02:02
Lately, I just haven't been feeling my self. Schools been kicking my ass, but I have been getting top of the line grades.
I just think i've been going crazy.

It all started when I started a full course work o f college classes last month. On top of that i'm going through fire school and emt school. Which is for four months three days a week at night and all day saturday. I have no job, or main source of income anymore to keep my self happy with.

One Saturday evening (last week of january) my head started to hurt and my right side went numb. Being the health care professional I plan to be, I thought of the worse.
We went to the hospital, and they took a cat scan and everything was a-okay. No tumors, masses, or blood clots.

With that reassurance they let me out and I went home.

The following week I just wasn't my self. My head hurt, I got the chills, and I was just so weak and tired. I decided to finally go to the doctors. During my visit, he informed me I had caught one of the many viruses that was going around in the county. A week later, I still wasnt feeling better, and they gave me a urine/blood test. It was confirmed in my blood test I had a UTI. And better yet, my blood test was a-okay.

I guess I'm nervous about getting cancer, because my moms aunt, and my step grandmother both died from it. NO SCRATCH THAT.. I'm petrified But that's not really considered being in the family because there really distant.

Everyday it's something different. Lately because I haven't taken a good numero 2 yet I'm thinking I have stomach cancer.. and my stomach cramps at the though of it.. and because I'm ovulating.. I was beginning to think it's ovarian cancer because the websites say it is...

I can't get to sleep anymore... and My appetitie isn't even there with all the thouhts going through my head.

I'm 18 years of age, volunteer firefighter aka in really good shape still, never smoked a cigarette in my life.. never took a swig of alcohol (excpet for a small taste but rejected it because i need my sweets), and have never done drugs.

Am I just a hypocondriact, or do you think I should really get checked up again? Or, better yet.. am I just really burnt out? (Taking 4 college classes, EMT, plus outside activities with no income.)

13-03-09, 11:22
Hello there 072106,

I'm no doctor but I think your 2nd paragraph sums up why you may be feeling like you are ....

"It all started when I started a full course work of college classes last month. On top of that i'm going through fire school and emt school. Which is for four months three days a week at night and all day saturday. I have no job, or main source of income anymore to keep my self happy with. "

... plus the fact that you've had a nasty virus and UTI.

I would say that you've pretty much overdone things and the symptoms you're experiencing are from the virus, the UTI and the stress you've been under from overworking. It can also cause either upset stomachs or constipation too :(

Maybe try to take some quiet time for you if you can ... but if your health anxieties continue, it may be worth seeing your doctor and explaining how you're feeling and what you're afraid of.

Hope you start to feel better really soon.

Wendy :hugs:

13-03-09, 12:42

You have been in a very stressfull situation with your exams ect which will have heightened your anxiety levels. You also sound as if you have a bit of health anxiety thrown in there too.

It may be worth having a chat to your doctor regarding you fears and i am sure he will be able to reasure you.

Take care