View Full Version : List your "Uncommon" anxiety symptoms here, Please

13-03-09, 02:29
I mean the symptoms that aren't the normal anxiety symptoms. The reason i'm doing this is mainly cuz i have symptoms that aren't common to anxiety but the dr's did tests and couldn't find anything wrong so i figure there hasta be more than just me that suffers from weird symptoms that may be anxiety related. And i REALLY NEED some reasurrance that there's not something seriously wrong with me. THANKS

My symptoms:
Pressure in upper abs/chest area
Pressure in neck almost like somethings in there (sometimes feels like its affecting my breathing)
:weep: :weep: :weep:

13-03-09, 02:42
I've had pain in my left upper chest, back and neck area......it feels sore or really tense and sometimes I get pains that will even shoot down my left arm from time to time. It happens more often when I'm stressed but then it goes away. The last one lasted about 2 weeks. I've had a chest x-ray, ekg and all kinds of things and everything's fine. I hope this helps :)

13-03-09, 03:44
well i'm not sure how UNcommon these are bc i've experienced them! :) i heard someone else on here complaining about the something choking you in the neck feeling. i can't even begin to explain how much massage helped.

celia davies
13-03-09, 11:00
numbnees in my spine any1 have this???

13-03-09, 16:06
Yes i have had the tightness in the chest even in between my shoulder blades been to doc everything was fine. Also have the tightness in the throat almost like its swelling