View Full Version : feeling of falling?

13-03-09, 03:50
I'm wondering who else has experienced this. i feel like i'm 'falling' in a couple of different ways:

-if i'm watching something on TV that shows heights, ie someone's perspective while being on top of a bridge or building and the camera looks down, i feel my own stomach drop and like i can literally fall to the ground from dizziness slash falling sensation. it has gotten extreme - like even if i see a picture or film of a balcony or something i PERCEIVE to be a height, i feel this dizzy falling sensation. like you would if you were perhaps actually up high looking down but no, i'm laying on my ikea bed, safely.

-also - i've read that this is linked to balance problems, but when my anxiety is at a high point, i tend to get dizzy while reading. like when i read a line in my book, i feel like i'm falling over. or being on my computer can make me dizzy and off-balance. WEIRD. annoying.

13-03-09, 07:14
I often get this feeling and its very scary. It like a feeling i can have when i am in a very high place.
Its only for a short second but it triggers all my anxiety.

13-03-09, 07:50
I sometimes have this strange feeling when I`m watching TV. It`s weired, but why should I freak out about that? Am I going to fall in that tv scene, is it going to hurt me? Don`t think so. I cannot imagine myself falling into a wallpaper also :) Just shift the channel, everything is ok. Not everyone is perceiving distance, objects, colors the same way.
Anxiety makes things worse. When anxious u may have feelings of dizzines, fainting etc. Again, nothing to worry about. Youve been through this many times. Nothing happened. They come and go. So, don`t get stuck into that trap, like something very bad is going to happen to you, cuz it won`t happen. Stop reading when getting dizzy, lay in your bed, listen to some music (pop up the volume), dance, do some push-ups or whatever physical exercise you like... shift your attention from that fear to something pleasant. When anxiety is triggered by thoughts, images etc, it`s pushing a lot of adrenaline through your veins. Hence the symptoms. It`ll be consumed in abt 15-20 minutes. Then everything is back to normal. Why worry? :)
Peace ;)

13-03-09, 14:42
yes lately sights and sounds have triggered anxiety more which had never previously happened to me. it's less and less now - but it's so weird!

13-03-09, 16:35
I get the same dizziness both watching televison and playing video games. It drives me mad and even makes me feel ill. I am sure mine is a combination of balance and anxiety.