View Full Version : Colonoscopy fear

13-03-09, 04:04
I went to a GI doc regarding ongoing nausea issues and was fully prepared to be told I need an endoscopy (which I have had before) but he told me I also need a colonoscopy screen too because my mum had polyps removed following bleeding when she was 48. I am 38 and apparantly if you have any sort of familial history you should be screened ten years before they were diagnosed.

I did a really dumb thing and googled colonoscopies and have read about perforated bowels, indescribable pain and torture during the procedure etc etc. Now I am absolutely terrified (well I was before anyhow because of my HA). I have scheduled in the endoscopy for a weeks time but haven't confirmed the colonoscopy yet and need to make my mind up soon. Of course I am worried about the anaesthetic (profopol I think) which is the same as for just the endoscopy anyhow, the bowel prep and how I will handle that (really worried about not eating for so long, feeling all PA symptoms due to that and the laxatives) and the possible (albeit rare) bad outcomes. Don't know what to do, whether to have it or not and am kind of obsessing over it all at the moment. Also, now I have this niggling doubt that I need to be checked out for bowel cancer because of my mum's history which I hadn't thought of before. Aaaarghhh! I hate this, just want to feel healthy in body and mind and not worry so much! :weep:

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated...I am going to my gp's to discuss this with him and see what he advises although I kind of have a general feeling of what he will say.....:unsure:

13-03-09, 08:44
Hiya, I had one & it was fine, not the most plesant of things but nothing to worry about. If you want to PM me with any questions I would happily answer them & I am not squemish either so if you want to know the ins & outs just ask! lol xxx

13-03-09, 09:17
I have had one as well and to be honest the prep day was the worst thing!

We have a forum dedicated to colonoscopy's so have a read on there as well for reassurance.

13-03-09, 10:12
I have had two done and find that the preparation is not pleasant but the colonoscopy was better than I thought it would be, just a lot of wind as they blow air into the bowel so that they can see with the scope better. Honestly, it sounds worse than it is, I got myself into such a state beforehand with the first one and when I had the second one done they didn't give me the sedation.

13-03-09, 12:25
thank you for the replies, it is so nice to be able to get reassurance here.:)
I must admit I have been obsessed with the whole thing today and am still pretty worried, getting heart palps again which I hadn't had for a few weeks too.

I read somewhere that your heart rate can go up a lot during these procedures and that seems to be worrying me the most now. the whole heart thing and how I will react to the anaesthetic with that. Also my doc said I would be completely 'out' with the propafol but then I read everywhere that you are really awake and just don't remember stuff. That is kinda scary to me too but I know I will require sedation because of how anxious I am about all this.

Oh, and by the way, my GP said that if mum did have a dysplastic polyp (I'm not really sure and currently trying to get hold of her records) then I do have to have the procedure.:scared10:

13-03-09, 18:47
If it reassures you I had a heart attack 6 months ago and had a colonoscopy only 2 months after the heart attack. They would not do it if there was a risk at all.

I had a half dose of sedation and to be honest it didn't do much for me and I still felt the pain and still remembered afterwards!