View Full Version : fear

30-07-05, 11:41
hi sorry to keep posting but ive just read sombodys elses post and ive just decided to post this i didnt want to post it before coz i thought everyone wud thinh im a weirdo ,but anyway since becoming anious
about 5 months ago iv been scared to get in the bath i havnt had a bath for about 4 n a half months ,im also scared to leave the house ,i have been having a wash just incase u were thinkink eerr has anybody got any advice or does anybody else have this fear

30-07-05, 11:48
I can't help with being scared to leave the house but I have been anxious about having a bath. What scares you about having a bath?
I have always had baths when anxious but recently I noticed a hot bath was causing me to feel aware of my heartbeat, so I didn't have a bath for 2 or 3 weeks in case it happened again. I really missed my baths so I tried having the bath water a bit cooler and it was then fine, no problems.

30-07-05, 13:31
Hi Hanna ,
I understand what you're going thru as I ve experienced the same thing.
I think , the fear of bath is connected to the fear of fainting and drowning in my case, fear of being alone also, that's why I prefer showers. I am sure it's all due to anxiety , and even, we imagine the worse scenario , it won't actually happen.


**Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. **

30-07-05, 14:16
Hi Hanna,
I absolutely hate having a bath, i have no idea why? I usually take a shower instead. There have been a few times over the years, when i have felt particularly bad, when i have just had a wash down! If you want to start getting back into the bath, is there anyone who could sit with you? or outside maybe? I also understand how you feel about going out, check out all the information here, there is so much good advice. Take things slowly and please keep in touch.

30-07-05, 14:53
hi i used to love getting in the bath , im scared of the shower also , i think i had a panic attack in the bath wen all this started so maybe this has somthing to do with it ,i hate being left on my own ,but my mums a nurse so i get left on my own alot its just me and my 8monty baby i am terrified ill die and leave her

30-07-05, 14:57
8 monty[Oops!]i ment 8 month[^]

30-07-05, 19:14

When i first started suffering with anxiety /panic this is one off the things i started to fear. People used to say to me have a nice hot bath and relax if only i could off done that. I would lie in the bath with panic washing over me lol and just getting in and out off the bath trying to make myself stay in the bath. Now that i am alot better i can now lie in the bath and stay for at least an hour. I have thought about this alot as to why i was panicking so badly in the bath. Myself i think it's because you are naked [Duh!] and i kept thinking if i die in here then my family are going to see me naked and the shame off it. I felt vunerable i feel and so made the anxiety even higher. It does get better though in time, if possible stick with having a bath even if only for a min as the more you avoid the harder its gets.

Take care