View Full Version : Skin

13-03-09, 09:49
I have developed an unhelathy obsession with my skin over the last few months which is begining to take its toll. I've never really taken much notice of it before so kind of knew what marks, spots, etc. i've had on my body since I can remember but now that I check everyday I seem to find something new on some part of my body every day to concern me. For instance, little tiny minute red dots, new brown spots/beauty spots, blemishes, etc. It's gotton to the point where when I see something I don't like I freak out. I've had a panic attack at work this morning brought on by finding some tiny red dots on my arms. How can I stop checking myself and then freaking out? I guess it's normal for skin to change a times isn't it, i.e. blemishes, spots, etc? Also I am going on holiday to Orlando in 5 weeks time with my boyfriend and my sister and I am terrified that I am going to freak out over there and ruin things. How do I cope? I can't bear to wear sleveless tops incase I look at my skins and spot something but I can't wear a jumper in 30 degree heat. Help please.

13-03-09, 10:04
hi there im new on this site and anxiety started due to health i had a back pain that coming and going and in the end after loads of tests thats were all normal i become very very anxious, its hard to control but you must try and focus on something else i know its easier said then done. i dnt think there is anything that majorly wrong with you skin just try to enjoy your hoilday and fight the erge to cover your arms up. just enjoy yourself.

13-03-09, 10:07
Hi Smudge, I understand your fears and wonder if it would be possible for you to go and see your Doctor before you go on holiday and get him to check your skin out. I have the little red dots, they are completely normal, so please try to stop worrying. It would be such a shame to spoil your holiday by stressing all the time, so I think to have the Doctor put your mind at ease would be beneficial. Take plenty of high factor sun cream and protect your skin while you are there. You certainly will not want to be wearing jumpers so wear your sun tops or t shirts and no doubt you will be so busy enjoying yourself that you may forget about you skin for a while. Have a wonderful holiday and let us know how you get on.:yesyes:

13-03-09, 12:36
Thanks both. Just to re-cap, I have been to see the doctor. I have other posts on here. This started with a rash that the doctor didn't seem to know what it was and this cycle has started. Since then I have become obsessed with my skin. I have since seen tow other doctors who said nothing was wrong and I was suffering badly from anxiety. I also had standard blood tests done which came back normal. Still doesn't make me feel better though. I feel at my wits end to be honest. Wake up panicking, feel like crying each time from frustration. So want it to stop. I am forever thinking "what if?" "What if it's this, that, something serious, etc." Just want to be normal and have a great holding with my family who deserve it after putting up with me asking them questions all the time. REally appreciate the help and advice and anymore would be really welcome.

04-12-12, 13:27
I have this exact same problem and would love to know what if anything came from the red spots/ marks. I am finding my obsession with them is taking over everything as I am worried all the time and on the computer looking up things to do with them. My blood tests were normal but I cant shake the feeling that they are missing somethin and it is ruling my life