View Full Version : Floaters

30-07-05, 11:49

I have ordinary floaters and I don't care about them, but when I look at the sky or any really bright background really, there's like millions of these little mini-floaters flying everywhere in my field of vision. It's like a constant explosion of mini-floaters of doom.

Also, I see everything in a slightly different (darker) shade with my left eye.

I've been to an eye doctor but he didn't find anything wrong...I'm convinced he was wrong, though.

Anyone else have either of these symptoms?

Also, I'm afraid I have rectal cancer. I've been fatigued for the past week and I read that's a symptom, also I've been constipated for years due to drugs.

30-07-05, 11:58
Hi Kroko

I get these floaters too, they are all part of anxiety. My vision is ok but I think you'll find your darkness is due to anxiety too.

Hope this helps

Take care

Elaine x

30-07-05, 12:00
I have normal floaters too, they started during a really anxious week 2 years ago. They are there all the time but I only notice them when looking at bright things like clear blue sky or sea etc. It may seem like there are more there when you look at bright things as they become more abvious to see then.
My optician said they're nothing to worry about unless they suddenly increase in numbers and so far mine have stayed the same.
If you have been checked out recenly, since you have had all these symptoms, then it sounds like it's nothing to worry about.

Can't help with the rectal question sorry but fatigue usually has a much simpler explanation, even just being anxious can make you tired.

Take care,


30-07-05, 12:03
I have ordinary floaters too but I don't mind them as I said. I don't think you mean what I have, which is like millions of little dots flying wildly everywhere in my field of vision EVERY time I look at the sky or any bright thing.

30-07-05, 12:28
Hi Kroko

As I said I have those too, and only noticeable when I look at the sky. The fatigue is also due to anxiety.

Elaine x

30-07-05, 12:49
i get this to when i look at the sky when its bright.

30-07-05, 12:49
By the way, the fatigue is not tiredness, it's like every muscle in my body feels weak, powerless.

30-07-05, 12:54
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i get this to when i look at the sky when its bright.

<div align="right">Originally posted by taylor - 30 July 2005 : 11:49:12</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I get it whenever I look at the sky, it's usually bright enough. I even get it indoors when I look at the walls or something if sunlight is coming in. Also on the outer walls of buildings if the sun shines on them, etc. My field of vision gets filled with floaters everywhere, flying all over the place. They're not the kind of normal floaters that stay fixed if you don't move your eyes, they're little dots that seem to start from one point, move a bit and then disappear...and new ones appear all the time, so I see a constant "explosion" of these floaters.

30-07-05, 12:58
Hi again,
No I didn't understand correctly sorry. My floaters become more obvious when looking at bright things but move with my vision. I haven't experienced the dots that you describe, but if you have told an eye doctor and he wasn't concerned try and believe him/her.


30-07-05, 13:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi again,
No I didn't understand correctly sorry. My floaters become more obvious when looking at bright things but move with my vision. I haven't experienced the dots that you describe, but if you have told an eye doctor and he wasn't concerned try and believe him/her.


<div align="right">Originally posted by LJ - 30 July 2005 : 11:58:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Actually, that I haven't told an eye doctor. He did a bunch of tests though...but this was early this year.

30-07-05, 13:13
If you were having the symptoms earlier this year but didn't mention them you should still be ok. He would have noticed anything really wrong back then. But if this is a completely new and recent thing, you might want to ask they eye doctor or your normal doctor if it's normal. It might be completely normal with anxiety (maybe someone here can tell you that) but I've not heard of it or experienced it. I have experience dthe floaters as i said but not the dots you described.
Take care

02-08-05, 08:29
I'm going crazy because of this, aaah!

02-08-05, 13:37


You could revisit an opticians again for a review/ 2nd opinion if you're so positive something has been missed. Check first thats its not a side effect of one of your medicines.

Fatigue/ Tiredness/ lethargy/ dibilitating weakness is a common symptom of a hundred and one things - rectal cancer wouldn't be top of my list of things to investigate, especially at your age.

I would start with looking at your diet/exercise/lifestyle first of all. Are you still doing the coeliac one ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-08-05, 13:37

Don't worry, I have the same symptoms as you and have had for years - ever since my teens and I'm 28 now!

I see sparkly lights/floaters when I look at the sky, or where the sun is shining, anywhere white and bright really! They appear a bit like tiny shooting stars. My husband also said that he'd experienced them. I've mentioned them to my doctor and optician and they both said that they were nothing out of the ordinary.

It's nice for me to know that there is someone else out there who can relate to what I experience too. I've had periods of stressing about my eyes and floaters in particular, but I've learnt now that it's my anxiety that is the problem and not the symptoms I worry about. So I try to focus on making myself feel happier and then the worry diminishes.

I hope you feel better.


03-08-05, 17:47
I have been the exact same for years now, I used to take a lot of drugs when I was younger and that's when I really noticed the floaters, they seemed to subside but came back when my anxiety developed.

Please don't worry about them, loads of people are in the same boat

03-08-05, 18:54
Hi Kroko

I used to get that, hundreds of very bright dots wizzing about only lasted few seconds at a time, If your still not happy go to different optician,

I would still say if anything had been amiss the optician would have noticed, and as few on here have similar experience im sure its all down to anxiety

kairen x

03-08-05, 19:08
Hi Kroko, I have had floaters, I was also diagnosed with a serious eye condition 6 yrs ago and that was picked up at the optician when I went for a routine exam,I had got no symptoms, I was in hospital within 4 days
for tests and now go very regularly. I think your people woould have seen if anything was wrong,hope you are feeling a bit reassured, Love Alexis,xxx

03-08-05, 20:13
I have these as well...ive never mentioned it to the doc or anything, i just assumed that it would be noting major. I may mention it next time to be on safe side?

Tatty B xx

10-08-05, 12:38
Funnily enough, I just experienced a massive increase in the number of floaters I have in my eyes. I've always had a few, but now there are hundreds and they are really noticeable, especially in bright sunlight - it's like walking through a room full of cobwebs. Also (and this is really annoying), when I move my eyes, it's like a samll fly is buzzing around in my peripheral vision. I keep wanting to reach out and swat it!

I went for an eye check, but the optician said everything was ok.

Recently, I noticed EXACTLY what you describe - when I look at a blank wall or the blue sky, I see lots of new floaters exploding and disappearing - almost like lots of mini "floater volcanoes". This freaked me out, so I did a serch on Google - exact key words were "floaters like explosions" - low and behold, I find somebody experiencing exactly the same!

Not sure what to do about them though.

10-08-05, 15:03


Did you explain to the opticians about them ?

Are you on any other medication for anything ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-08-05, 15:19
Hi Meg

Thanks for the welcome! No I wasn't getting the "explosions" when I went to the opticians. I'm not on any medication. It's heartening to see that a few other posters have experienced them though!

10-08-05, 17:51
I have floaters too, my optician told me if they ever increase in number suddenly I should go back. If you haven't been checked since they got worse maybe go back for another check up.


10-06-07, 11:04
Hi, Just joined and I was reading about floaters. I first noticed them after 1st child was born. They are like little trails which move. I have a lazy left eye. Now and then I get a dot and dr. says thats migraine. ITs good to know of others with the same thing. I wear glasses and have regular eye exams Sandrax

10-06-07, 12:13
I get floaters too and also little white and black dots jumping about too. Sometimes i go awhile without getting them and other times they get quite bad. After reading about other people getting them on this forum I have come to accept that they are just a part if anxiety and hopefully nothing to worry about.

Love Josephinex

11-06-07, 12:28
My eyes perceive two different shades and always have done... more bluey in one and more yellowy in the other I think.

14-06-07, 12:33
Hey, it's totally normal to get that. When I look into a bright blue sky I see loads of them, it's like little bugs flying about. Nothing at all to worry about. I also have a variation in colour in my left eye and right eye but that's because I had optic neuritus when I was younger, I'm 100% sure you haven't got that - you would know! Listen to your optician, if he says you're fine then you are. Only go back if your symptoms change.

17-06-07, 03:36
Geez .. I have been having millions since I was a child and I used to purposely look at bright lights and places so that I could watch them..Its normal and no cancer and well your doctor was right.. So dont worry be happy .. Michael

26-05-08, 20:47
:weep: i have floaters too they are something that sends me into panic cos when i see them i think im gonne faint

17-10-08, 13:00
i had one floater up until a few months ago, now i have a few in each eye! they are so frustrating and they make me anxious. i work on a computer and the screen is white so i can constantly see them. I have been to the opticians twice and they said i just have to learn to ignore them. I dont know what causes them but i hope i dont get more in the future- im only 23 and wonder how many i will have when im older : ( hopeully there might be a cure by then!

18-10-08, 09:21
HI kroko, if the dots are like white/sparkly and there are hundreds of them, then I get the same as you whether I am inside or outside if there is a bright surface. I have white wardrobes in my bedroom and when the sun is shining they are very noticable. To me they look as if you can see the dust in the atmosphere.

14-11-08, 21:34
Hi Kroko

As I said I have those too, and only noticeable when I look at the sky. The fatigue is also due to anxiety.

Elaine x

You can look them up at Wikipedia - they're, amazingly enough, due to gaps in the parade of bloodlets caused by white bloodcells in the capilaries. They look like little bright dots swarming about. More in the periphery than in the middle, and they especially occur against bright blue backgrounds - such as the sky.
