View Full Version : Noises

13-03-09, 18:18
I don't know why this happens, but when stressed I get this. Every single noise I hear seems to be irriating me right now, I feel so irriatable and moody and just not nice.

I used to have nearly all the kids from the street in to play whenever they wanted, I now can't bare the thought. Every little noise seems to be bugging me, and I seem to get very wind up by it. PMT usually makes me feel this way, but I haven't got that.

My bf thinks that since taking the Femodene Pill i've become very irritable, this may be true, I don't know.

I used to be good with the kids, what's happening ? I'm also getting horrible tension headaches, it feels like my head's gonna explode !

At this moment I remind myself of one of those Catherine Tate Scenes - You know the one where she screams at every slight noise ?.. Oh blimey, what's going on ? :huh:

13-03-09, 22:53
I get like you with the noises. The hum of the computer seems to multiply in volume when Im feeling stressed.

my dog barking makes me want to drive him down to the beach and leave him there and I really am an animal lover lol

Parents rummaging in drawers downstairs also really irritates me lol.

13-03-09, 23:31
It sounds like it could be linked to hormones.I changed my pill once and i suffered really bad on it,moods and really bad heads.After trying to eliminate certain causes ,i went to my Doctor and told him i thought it was the pill i was on,he said it contained the same as id always had.I insisted he change it and he grunted ......:lac: and wrote out another perscription. Needless to say my symptoms cleared up on the new one. I would definately try another one , and see how you go.All the best sue

14-03-09, 00:52
Thanks for both of your replies.

Suzy, can I ask which Pill you're taking ? I realise with any sort of medication, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another, but I'd like to know, just so that I can start off somewhere new and get some sort of idea.

Awhile back a Locum Doc prescribed me Logynon and this made feel so ill and constantly sick.

Femodene seems to work well for me, only it may seem that it causes unwanted mood swings and depression.

14-03-09, 19:58
Hi Katie. I no longer take the pill,my doc took me off it because i was at high risk of developing a blood clot.I eventually had a Merena coil fitted and i can honestly say it was one of the best decisions i ever made.No heavy bleeding,in fact no period at all after three months.No pmt and no bad stomach cramps.I strongly recommend it..Hope you feel better soon. sue x