View Full Version : does your panic come and go like mine?

13-03-09, 19:54

I am new to this site -. , I have had panic attacks throughout my life from the age of 12 years old - I am now 27.

I don't live with them every day, I can goes years without them, then they strike again. Basically my pattern so far is:12 - 14 years panic every day 19 -22 panic every day 25 - 27 panic every day... still panicing.

The worse thing is every time they come back they are worse than before. I think I have had every single symtom at some point in time..The prob is now I do a job with lots of public speaking. no problem when i was not in ' panic attack' mode. Now I am, I am finding my job almost impossible and cannot even ride as a passenger in a car without having a panic attack. I find that people who do not have them do not realise how exhausting it is. I am comforted by all the posts on here. It is reassuring to know I am not going mad or have a body that does not work properly! but will it ever go away?

I have tried beta blockers etc etc - no good for me. I wanted counselling but the doc tells me that this is only available to people who are able to attend during the day ( no good for the working population then!!) does anyone know of any other counsellers? even ones that you have to pay for.

X chrissie