View Full Version : headache - brain tumour

13-03-09, 21:40
hey, i've been getting a lot of headaches, migraines, eye strain/ache over the past week and today i have had a really bad migraine and my anxiety has gone into overdrive and i'm convinced i have a brain tumour, i have all the symptoms of a tumour. i'm so scared. can anyone relate? any advice/reassurance for me?
please reply ASAP
Love Louise

13-03-09, 21:59
Louise, please read my entry at the bottom of this page: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=45580

13-03-09, 22:04
You do not have a brain tumour!

Have you read the sticky thread I put on about headaches and brain tumours? headaches are rarely associated with brain tumours.

13-03-09, 22:09
okay thanks, its just so so painful though, my head is just pounding, painkillers havnt worked any advice?

13-03-09, 22:36
Absolutely 100% in agreement with Nic. I have spoken with a lovely lady just today through a course I am on who has had 2 brain tumors in 2 years and had them removed. She did talk about the symptoms which I will not post here for obvious reasons but they are nothing at all as you describe, honestly. Try and relax, it could just be tension headaches and if they persist, pop along to see your gp to put your mind at rest. Hope you feel better soon

13-03-09, 22:38
also, meant to say, there are some nasty head colds going around at the moment. My friend has been suffering for over a week now and cant get rid of the horrendous headache.

14-03-09, 01:13
I've been experience eye strain, headaches, pressure, dizziness, shooting pains etc. for over three months. I finally got in to see a neurologist last Monday and he gave me a CT scan and diagnosed me with some sort of prolonged migraine condition. He gave me two prescriptions (I don't remember what they are called) to deal with the problem and I have been feeling a lot better, except I remain a little tired and out of it (which is a side effect of one of the drugs, it's supposed to wear off eventually)

Go see a doctor and let us know what they say.

Adam Thompson
14-03-09, 21:53
me & my girlfriend have had bad headache for over 3 months accompanied by stiff neck, occasional chills etc
it comes on and off sometimes lasting for a week or so then easing before coming back

even the doc doesnt know what it is