View Full Version : Hi guys!

13-03-09, 22:00
Hi Guys!

I'm Paul, a 29 year old male from the UK. Since i was 18 i have experienced different illnesses-panic attacks,ocd,not being able to see properly (even though the eye doc said i had 20/20 vision) and stomache problems. Every time i get something new wrong with me, the old illness go's. The illnesses are so real but as i am never diagnosed with anything, i feel like a right hypochondriac.

My newest illness is pins and needles in my arms 24/7 and they now feel swollen and hurt also. I have an appointment with the neuro doctor in a few weeks but as ever i reckon it will be negative but I'm still worried to death in the mean time

Well, its been nice reading through the posts and i look forward to speaking to some of you guys soon.


13-03-09, 22:19
Hi Paul

Welcome along and it's lovely to see you here.

You will get lots of support here and meet some lovely new friends!


13-03-09, 23:03

I have had the numbness/pins and needles since anxiety started. Also had other symptoms that once checked out and been told ok then they seem to have gone. For example, chest pain and palpitations.. had an ECG/blood tests done and was all normal so they seem to have gone now. The headaches I had a while back have come back and pins and needles/numbness is worse than ever which I think is because work is tiring me out at the min.
Anyway to cut along story short my doc ref me to a neurologist while back and I am having an MRI scan next week so will let u know how goes.

I remember last year my friend who has been suffering from panic attacks/anxiety for years having a bad time with it and i couldn't really understand till it happened to me.

U r not on your own... this is something that has comforted me a great deal since finding this sight.

Take care xxx

14-03-09, 00:34
Hi Paul, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

14-03-09, 11:33
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here, there is also a good chatroom, take care xx

14-03-09, 12:29
Thanks for the kind welcome guys.

Hey Tink, thanks for your reply too. Its good to know theres others who feel like me too. I would be interested to know how you get on, and ill let you know how i get on too.

I came across this site just by chance last night and it's already made me feel more relaxed about my own crazy life.

14-03-09, 13:56
Hello guys
Sorry to just rush in before and leave 2 messages instead of one!
Im Sue from the uk and from time to time suffer with anxiety its usually brought on when i get stressed either when im about to go on a plane or I get stressed at work or my family drive me nuts!
I have now found relief in tablet form.

14-03-09, 14:31
Hi Paul
Great site to stumble on :) Some lovely people on here, you should join in the chat room as soon as you're allowed (think you have to be registered a few days). Sounds like you've found your way around already but if you haven't checked out the health anxiety thread it'd be a good place to go next. All the best x
Hey Sue, glad you've hit on a solution. Nice to meet you.


14-03-09, 14:52
hello welcome to the forum pm me anytime

14-03-09, 15:05
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

15-03-09, 21:03
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx
