View Full Version : Immune System: Need Advice

13-03-09, 22:13

I have had Anxiety and PA's for over a year now and i am finally starting to overcome it. However the whole time I have had this I seem to catch one thing after another. Add to that the symptoms of anxiety and life has not been fun.

I always feel run down as it is and then I get a cold or flu or stomach bug or chronic headaches you name it. It seems that I get over one thing and then a few weeks later bam! I get another one.

Last time I had my bloods done everything was normal.

I was wondering if anyone else has this experience because I'm starting to worry that there is something seriously wrong with my immune system.

*I smoke, get little exercise but I eat well.

13-03-09, 22:47
Smoking depletes the body of vitamin c ,and that is essential for the immune system .Try taking a multivitamin and drink fruit juice.You cannot over dose on this ,as the body rids itself of what isnt needed.Also echinacea a herbal supplement can be taken for two weeks 3 capsules daily to boost the immune system but check with the health shop you can take it ,as certain supplements react to perscription medicine. all the best sue

14-03-09, 01:38
I'm in the exact same boat. I'm always ill. Sometimes I just have to battle through, but alot of the time it knocks me for six.

I'm a smoker as well but I exercise religiously and when I eat, it's beans and toast or sandwiches. My mum is convinced it's lack of vitamin c, but even when I boost my intake I feel crappy.

I doubt there is anything seriously wrong with you, because you're exactly the same as me and all my tests etc have come back normal. I know it's hard, but try not to think about it!

14-03-09, 02:54
I'm in the exact same boat. I'm always ill. Sometimes I just have to battle through, but alot of the time it knocks me for six.

I'm a smoker as well but I exercise religiously and when I eat, it's beans and toast or sandwiches. My mum is convinced it's lack of vitamin c, but even when I boost my intake I feel crappy.

I doubt there is anything seriously wrong with you, because you're exactly the same as me and all my tests etc have come back normal. I know it's hard, but try not to think about it!

Thanks Kaybee I think you are right all my tests were normal...

14-03-09, 03:22
While vitamin deficiencies can produce these symptoms you're overlooking one important thing that alot of anxiety sufferers seem to overlook; stress and anxiety have a direct effect on the immune system.

Extended periods of anxiety are going to affect your immune system, leading to susceptibility to infections and other problems, this in turn often makes you feel worse. Breaking that cycle isn't simple but will happen as part of your treatment for your anxiety.

Helpful link for you:

14-03-09, 03:35
Hey there!

Yeah, I know what your saying there big time! I had my first panic attack about a few months ago, which kicked my ass completley because my muscles were so sore from everything tensing up.

I knew the flu, stomach bug, cold, mono and everything else that was going around was in my area.. Being contracted at the college I go to and my workplace and patients i come in contact with too.. But me being the lazy overwhelmed person didn't do anything about it.. I kept moping around doing the 'wow is me' type thing.. i didn't do any activity for weeks though my job requires it... and i wasn't eating healthy (typical college student).. sure enough I got all of those, except for mono..

I was told the stomach bug is going around again, and I wouldn't be suprised if I catch it.

But, I would advise you to stop smoking.
And I know, easier said than done type stuff right?
Well if you put your mind to it, you can do it.. Just like you can overcome anxiety! =]

14-03-09, 10:55
further to suzy-sue's response, smoking also depletes your body's source of vitamin A and stress seriously depletes your body's source of vitamin b. make sure you eat lots of greens and some meat and like she said, get a strong multivitamin to try and restore your body's loss of vitamins and minerals x