View Full Version : New job dialema

14-03-09, 10:00
I've been offered a new job which is great, but, as is usual, it is conditional on CRB and Health clearance. Since the end of January, I have been feeling like the old me - I am now able to go to the supermarket, cope with noise, I've even ate out!!! My HAD scores have fallen both gradually and, more recently, dramatically, from 18-19 to 3!!

What do I put on my health questionnaire? I know that disclosure of anxiety will prompt an Occ Health interview (the new job is 130 miles away!). I want to be honest yet at the same time I'm really worried that the job offer may be withdrawn.

Any advice???

14-03-09, 12:53
I feel it's probably best to be as honest as possible. Employers really value honesty, but at the same time i can understand your fears. It's quite a dilemma :shrug:

14-03-09, 12:54
Forgot to add. Well done for getting back on your feet :) It sounds like you have taken the illness by the scruff of the neck and shown it whos boss :)

susan c
14-03-09, 14:06
Definately a huge well done is deserved for getting as far as you have. I have to agree though that honesty is the best policy. Through my treatment I have been taught that it is best to tell people. I can understand your worries but even if you do say about it, they will see how far you have come.

Congrats on your new job too.

Good luck


15-03-09, 00:06
Thanks everyone. I looked at the form again and I had to state absences from work AND reasons over the last 2 years. This information is held in the school SIMS data so I had to be honest. Miraculously, I've only had 2 absences for anxiety, once of 4 days and the other 3.

22-03-09, 22:22
Just had a friend on the phone who thinks I'm being selfish and unfair to my new employer for having not mentioned that I have been ill this last year with panic and agoraphobia. Thing is I've had very little time off work, and have fulfilled my role with only minor adaptations.

As I said earlier, I have been so much better since mid-January and I KNOW I am over the worst. I can even go into supermarkets at busy times without panic - I don't like it, but I can do it.

Anyway, I got to thinking about my friend's perception and I'm trying to work out if she has a point. On one hand, if I do have a relapse due to the stress of starting a new job etc, it would look pretty bad. On the other hand, when exactly was I meant to slip in the fact that I have suffered panic disorder during the interview. To come out with a statement like that would all but guarantee failure at interview - which would have made it a futile experience!

What do you think??

23-03-09, 00:55
I never really thought about that new job, but surely they can't put this
Against u. I would go for it u feel loads better and really well done.