View Full Version : Vitiligo and Anxiety

14-03-09, 10:53
In the causation of many skin conditon. Among them vitiligo is one. that skin spots due vitiligo are increase due to the emotional stress.
How I can get rid the stress due this skin condition.
Are there any medication which treat both anxiety and vitiligo simultaniously.

14-03-09, 10:55
Vitiligo is chronic skin condtion and a common saying about vitiligo cure (http://vitiligo.blog.co.uk/) that it is not possible.
It hardly disfigure your face and appearance.

angel 2
14-03-09, 12:47
Hi Irshad
My son in law has the most awful vitiligo all over his body and face. He sees a dermatologist at a Sheffield hospital. It was brought on when his father died. They said it may go on it's own. If not he can be de-pigmented or have ultra violet treatment at the hospital. You must get referred to a consultant especially one that knows alot about this condition because psychologically it has an effect on you.There are studies ongoing at Sheffield hospital all the time for this complaint.I am sure you have good specialists in Pakistan too. Good Luck !

14-03-09, 13:12

I have vitiligo, I developed it after having surgery as a child. It is an auto immune disorder. There really inst anything you can do about it. I would suggest a very healthy lifestyle and stress reduction. That is about it. It really sucks at first but you learn to accept it.