View Full Version : A different WORLD

14-03-09, 11:36
Hi there my name is Krystal im a single mother of an amazing 5 year daughter i work full time but am looking into study in semester2 of this year.
Life has been a very hard road but i finally made a huge move out of my home town where i was born adn raised for 22 years, i moved to a bigger city better opportunitys and a overall better lifestyle i began to see a future i had hope restored thru jesus and my daughter and i where building our lives back up i have a 14year old brother who has add adhd and other things in my brothers case i believe his add stands for absent dad disorder but hey thats too long of a story anyway my brother was raised by my mother she also a single mother struggles for a very long time 13years my brother was full on for her as a young boy and as he grow older he began to be rude and disrespectful we are not perfect family but we have standards but over the years my mum was worn down completely to total burnout break down suicidal thoughts etc so 6months ago my then 13 now 14year brother lives with me but my understanding of the arrangement was some what different to how it has turned out im not one to get worked up or stressed out i can handle alot i carry a full plate well if you know what i mean i have a huge heart and am about seeing the potential in others and encouraging supporting thru seasons but here is the tricky part hence the title different worlds because my world without my brother i love i work well with we are insync with each other im constructive get things done keep moving onto the next level etc etc but with my brother he has so much problems that seem
minor but are so completly complicated he doesnt get into drugs or drinking etc he is a pretty good kid well mannered etc but anything else is a problem his fixations and pickie ness now his teenage growing boy is honestly doing my head in i just have no idea where to from here it feels out of my control he actually has no where else to go so im it and i dont feel i can be in the state im in mentally emotionally in regards to him i had my first panic attack leading up to christmas 08 then another christmas eve now i cant remember the exact thing that triggered me but it was the build up im sure as the walls closed in and i was curled over trying to support myself on the oven bench trying to catch any air that my body was able to intake i just cried out of fear i couldnt get my mind around what was going on i wasnt in control and i felt as tho i had been overcome i know now that it was the panic attck my mind is more right but my heart still breaks inreg ards to my brother as i have no idea where to i can run the risk of continuing life this was but we have had meetings with everyone from mental health to our pastors freinds family and it just doesnt stink into him that there is something wrong and he is causing problems he did it to my mum and there is no way ill be turning out like my mum she has a long recovery to go and alot of rebuilding to do as for me im trying to keep myself together as much as i can trying to avoid stress areas which tend to just follow me but hey life goes on and god id good i am not going to be defeated by another panic attack!! but that doesnt mean the process doesnt brew anyway thats about me im not even sure how i got onto this site i was looking for info on tingling lips which is caused by stress apparently and stress bumps on my hands also maybe thats how well goodnight and god bless xxxx krystal :) :) :) :) :yesyes: :) :) :) :)

14-03-09, 12:07
Hi Krystal
You seem to have had more than your share of stress in your young life! I'm very much older than you but have had a very stressful year with divorce and many complications. That's when my panic attacks began and I've had a very severe one this morning that's why I was attracted to this site.

When I read your account of what happened to you and your family I felt sad but so glad that you seem to be fighting back. Well done! I wish you lots of success with you plans to study and have a better life for you and your daughter. There seems to be lots of help on this site for people like us!

I'm glad you mentioned about the tingling lips! I noticed this a long time ago and wondered what was happening. It's not unpleasant like the anxiety attack but a very strange sensation. I also noticed last night that I had a shaky hand and this morning woke up actually having an attack. That's never happened before. It was very scary and I've been fortunate enough to get an appointment this afternoon with my therapist.

I've been invited to speak at a conference and I think it's that which is triggering the attacks. At 5.a.m. I was going to make an excuse and say I can't go to the conference but it means I won't be asked to do another one so I'm trying to get over this. I'm really afraid as it's in another country and I may have an attack in a hotel room in a strange place with no one I know near to me.

Oh dear! What a lot of stress we live with. I hope you are feeling well today and having a nice weekend with your lovely daughter.


14-03-09, 15:06
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

14-03-09, 16:27
Hi Krystana, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

15-03-09, 19:37
Hi there Kristana and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support here that helps a lot and also a good chatroom, take care xx

15-03-09, 20:57
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


24-04-09, 14:08
hi i was quite interested with this post as i have 3children sons with adhd and i myself have adult adhd, and contary to (normal) people's belief adhd is not due too bad parenting or simply misbehaved or unruly behaviour, it is a very complex and life long condition YOU SIMPLY CAN NOT WAKE UP ONE DAY AND DECLAIR YOU OR YOUR CHILD HAS ADHD YOU ARE BORN WITH THE CONDITION. Sadly many adults are misdiagnosed with all sorts ranging from depression through to learning disabilties or simply the awfull I CANT BE BOTHERED SYNDROM. even worse though is the many adults who never get a diagnose and simply suffer in silence stumbling through life without ever achieving their full potentiol PLZ EXCUSE SPELLING AS DYSLEXIA IS A PROBLEM. i had spent my entire life feeling different and only ever really excelled in the things that matterd too me always starting new projects and rarely finishing them a lot of the times by the time i had processed the thought my mind had raced too another project so the initial thought had been lost, as the years past by childbirth and marriage i was dogged with various bouts of (PROFFESIONALLY DIAGNOSED DEPRESSIONS,) from post natal lifestyle work related depressive bouts each treated with a range of drugs and sessions with various head doctors, each proffesional described me as an energetic extravert jolly character, i lost faith in the head docs and decided after a few years that they were not actually listening too me and decided to no longer access the services i continued with my life raising my sons working full time in a specific area as it fitted in with my way of day to day life, i never for one moment thought i had adhd nor did any of my sons as we were all simalar we bounced from one another and simply got on with life looking back too others it must have been clear something was out of the ordinary as life in my house ran at a minimum of a 100mph, my youngest son was in special needs schooling as was extremly premature 17.5 wks prem to be exact a miracle he survived really especially as he was born back in 1992 when prem baby care was no where near as good as todays standards, due to him being so prem he was what is known as globally delayed, one day out of the blue i had a massive nervous breakdown and was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder i was so porly i needed to be hospitalised for 6weeks, which though it may have helped with the diagnosis of bi-polar it did not really help the life i was living, a few years later when the yougest son was about too leave juniour school it was suggested that he should have an assessment for adhd i agreed not really knowing much about it, and also quite cetain my son did not have this condition as to me he was no different too myself or 2 of his brothers, the assement day came and in less then 5mins the specialist informed me that my son was in fact in the extreme end of adhd spectrum, i was a little shocked but the real shock was his following sentance "IN MY PROFFESIONAL OPPINION YOU YOURSELF ARE ALSO IN THE EXTREME END OF ADHD." he then refered me to a specialist for adults with adhd this took 3years and i was finally diagnosed in dec 08 both my son and i started on medication which has made a huge difference to both of us and also to others around us, for my son befor his diagnosis was made i was informed that he would never be able too sit exams at school and college would prob be very difficult, once the medication started and correct therapy and managment skills learned my son went onto not only take 6gcse exams but also pass all six with good grades he then went onto college and is doing a full time course obtaining distinctions across the board. my son is an ADHD SUCCESS, if diagnosed at the right point you can achieve great things, unfortunatly for myself the diagnosis tho helpfull to a point was at least 30years too late due to all the mis diagnosis of depression and the wrong treatment i went on too develop the bi-polar phycosis personality disorders as adhd left untreated causes changes within the brain and thought process, sadly i will have all these conditions for the rest of my life, i would urge any one wwho suspects someone they know may have adhd encourage them too see a doctor as the right help whilst the brain is developing can be the difference between a succesfull happy full life, failure, or a lifetime of mental health issuses, some very famous people have adhd richard branson jim carey just too name 2 and it is also believed einstein, da vinci, also suffered with this condition, people with adhd tend too be highly creative picky easily distracted, funny, genourous, life and soul of the party it can be a great thing too have if managed well and like richard branson you can use your excessive energy and drive to achieve great things, you do not have to end up labled as badly behavoured or a criminal you can use it too your advantage.

24-04-09, 15:20
Hi Krystana,

Welcome to NMP. Wow you have been through so much for your young years. I have to agree with Tink Loves Pan as I too have a son who has been diagnosed with ADD. He isn't hyper so it took awhile to diagnose him, 7th grade. We too finally decided after agonizing on whether or not to put him on meds and did so in his 9th year of high school. I will now say he is getting all A's and B's and taking honor classes and next year will be taking college level classes. To you that would be univ. level classes but he is still in high school which is college level to you. I know it is so confusing, lol. My point is it turned his life around. He can focus which is one problem he always had in school. I will say he was never a behavior problem in school just could not focus. We do not keep him on the meds in the summer during break.

I would take your brother immediately to a doctor to get diagnosed and on meds and I think you will see a huge difference. As for your anxiety, I think a big part of it is your brother's behavior. You will find that everyone here will support you. Glad you found us.

Take care,


24-04-09, 19:35
Hello Krystana , Welcome to NMP , Lots of advice support and understanding members too , you take care and:welcome: Dusky x