View Full Version : Please please help!!

14-03-09, 17:24
It's getting worse! The back of my tongue feels swollen and it's like when I press the front of my throat, it feels like there's a lump.

My throat is going sore now which is making the lump feel even bigger and I dunno what to do!

I was gonna go out and try get drunk to forget but I'm scared I f**k it up worse.

I really think have cancer..I'm not joking. I am so scared. Help hepl help.When i breathe my bthroat closes and saliva seems to get trapped, and it's scratchy n my voice is going hoarse,

oh my gOD

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14-03-09, 17:38
You don't have cancer and i can guaruntee your tongue is not swollen!
I know that it really does feel that way but it's not. This is such a horrible, physical symtom of anxiety.

Check that you are not walking around with your tongue on the roof of your mouth. If you are then try to be consious not do do this.

Sip cool water and try to distract yourself. You will be just fine.


14-03-09, 17:48
I haven't been well for ages though,and I got oral thrush and the stuff i gpt for it isn't helping and I have had it for nearly a week. My tongue is sore and really feels swollen and I dunno what to do and doctors haven't even looked properly and are telling me I am fine. :'(

I feel like nthere's a luump at the bottom of my neck when i press and I just want it to go away. and the sensation keeps changing. That can't be anxiety :'(

I think there's somethin wrong. And I am coughing and yelowy gunk and stuff is comingup.

14-03-09, 17:53
The gunk you are coughing up makes me think you may have a little infection.
Look if you are really worried then give NHS 24 a call on 08454 24 24 24.

They will be able to advise/reasure you huni!

Let me know how you get on please.



14-03-09, 18:05

It could also be a virus you have, there are plenty going around at the momemt. I have just had the flu and my worst symptoms where my throat( i thought i wasnt going to be able to breath at one point) and neck, also constant coughing bring awful flem up !

Like Lisa said if you are real worried give then NHS LIne a call, thats what they are there for hun.

Hope you feel better soon
:hugs: :hugs:

14-03-09, 18:36
I called them out today and they looked in my throat and said I was fine I was just anxious and that was it but I know there's something up and no one will listen. :( I'm sitting crying just now. I'd go down to a+e but theyll prob just laugh at me .

14-03-09, 19:25
You said you had been caughing up phlem. This could be what is sitting at the back of your tongue and it would feel like you had a lump. Especially if the phlem is thick.

Do you have any cough mixture? If so try putting a couple of spoonfulls into a mug of pre boiled water, don't drink it boiling but try to drink it as warm as possible,

Also menthol steam treatment can be helpfull in shifting it.

I hope you feel better real soon and please try not to worry too much.


14-03-09, 19:47
You do need to firstly calm down. Anxiety can make your mouth seem really dry and swallowing restricted. Try drinking sips of water and taking some throat lozengges. There are so many harmless things other than cancer which can affect us. Maybe you have a throat/mouth infection on top of your oral thrush. Please dont think the worst case scenario which anxiety makes us do. Calm down for a moment and think logically about it all when you are feeling calmer. Maybe the lump you describe is a lymph gland which will swell up when it recognises infection.
I wouldnt advise getting drunk when you feel as you do it just heightens anxiety. The alcohol will not do your thrush any good either.If things continue to feel worse than consult your gp or NHS DIRECT. I am not sure A&E would appreciate you going to see them unless of course your breathing is truly restricted or tongue swelling up.
I cant swallow a lot of the time when I am overly anxious and feel like I am choking on whatever I eat. However once I distract and calm myself then the feeling passes. I hope it soon feels better for you.