View Full Version : does the flu virus agitate anxiety?

14-03-09, 20:24
hi ive had panic/anxiety attacks for about 9 months now but im feeling a little worse for wear i think im coming down with a bug as i have an upset tummy and feel sick and have a terrible headache,worst of all im having an anxiety attacks at random times all day i have recently had it under control im not sure if the flu or virus is agitating it and if anyone has had this?
thanks guys but i can do without going to the hospital just to be told its anxiety and end up looking a pratt!!

15-03-09, 00:06
From personal experience I would say yes I do ge more anxious when I am down with the flu or even a cold. Prolonged anxiety usually leads to health anxieties so naturally when you are ill its worse. Don't feel like a prat though as plenty of people have done the same thing before you and will after you.

All the best


15-03-09, 00:11
Hi There

I had most of last week off work due to flu and to be honest i felt rotten. I see my self as a recovered agorophobic but last week i found it hard to do anything! i even sent my husband shopping because my anxiety seemed alot higher than usual. the flu certainly brought my anxiety level back for a short time.


15-03-09, 03:44
It does yes, also chest infections.

Both make you feel "emotional" thats actually listed as a symptom in some medical papers.

15-03-09, 09:21
I find if I am not feeling well from a virus then it affects me. I seem to spend a disproportionate time worrying about what is the virus and what is the anxiety. Hope the bug goes and just take it easy x

15-03-09, 11:13
Hi Peachie

I had the flu in December and by February I was sat in the docs crying with a constant feeling of impending doom! I have never had the flu before or anxiety to the extent I have it now. While I had the flu I was scared to go to sleep and slept with the light on, I really thought I was going to die (you know when you have the flu rather than a cold!lol)

Since then my anxiety got worse and worse, I definitely think for me it was the cause along with a death in the family which happened the same time I had the flu....enough ammunition to start panic and anxiety.

So my answer...most definitely YES!!
