View Full Version : am i pregnant

14-03-09, 21:54
hey everyone sorry to disturb you i suffer so badly from anxiety that i banned myself from using the internet because was googling everything ,every ache pain etc.Tonight i am in such a state that i couldnt resist.I have been with my boyfriend for 3mnts.We havnt slept together because i want to wait.Anyway about three weeks ago we were messing around so call dry humping with clothes then with underwear on .At one point we were both naked am sure at some point he touched my vagina but did not enter me,he didnot come either but am now so worried am pregnant.Have looked on the internet some websites are saying you can become pregnant by pre come dispite not having sex or him coming.I am so worried cant sleep or concerate at work,i feel i cant think of anything else.sorry for going on but i feel the whole cycle starting again,know i will be googling it all night.am so worried thank you everyone

i hate panicking
14-03-09, 22:12
Hi siobhain,

I very much doubt you will be pregnant to be honest:)

14-03-09, 22:14
It is highly unlikely but can be easily sorted with a pregnancy test.

14-03-09, 22:15
Very unlikely, when is your period due?

14-03-09, 22:23
Try not too wory about it too much because I can guarantee it will make your period late! That always happens with me! xx

14-03-09, 22:27
thank you eveyone !i am so worried am actually sitting here thinking about what am going to tell my mum boyfriend etc.my period is due sunday but think ive had any pmt signs.more stuff on the internet is saying its possible.have now started googling leg pain and am getting my self in a state.

14-03-09, 22:30
Stop Googling!!!
Ive had to ban myself from using it too! I understand your worry I really do was in a similar situation last month and due to all my worrying and stressing made my period late! Took a test and all clear and came on the next day!
For £15 you an have peace of mind and one less thing to worry about hun

15-03-09, 15:06
Hi everyone thank you,didnt sleep at all last night with the worry.Hadnt got my period this morning so did a clear blue test and that came back negative.I know they say they are 99 per cent accurate but i keep thinking i will be that one percent.Was then looking on the internet for reasons for missed periods and they said could be because of a serious illness now am sure have a serious disease likecancer a tumour etc,have been crying because i fell like im on my own because everyone just keeps saying i need to get a grip.i so worried .thank you everyone

15-03-09, 16:24

I'd say your missed period is caused by all your stress, it really isn't caused by a serious disease. Please stop worrying so much and googling.

Don't ever feel like you're alone, because we're all here to try and help and will talk to you whenever you feel the need.

Take good care of yourself and I hope you start to feel better soon. xx

15-03-09, 16:44
Google is a terrible thing for people like us! (Ive now convinced myself I have Fibromyalgia!)
Im not going to tell you to get a grip as thats pointless but I do think you need to talk to someone, Mum, Doctor, Sister, Friend, anyone who knows you well and will be sympathetic and supportive!
Im glad you did the test and I know they are only 99% accurate but nothing in life is 100% certain! (which gives us more reason to worry!)
If you want to talk about anything feel free to PM me
Take care

15-03-09, 17:04
thank you everyone .will try and relax abit.

miss diagnosis
15-03-09, 22:17
i spent about 2 years constantly thinking i was pregnant. i wouldnt mind but id already had a child at this stage(father ran off was not good experience!)
i had my periods,negative pregnancy tests and everything and i still thought i was. i got myself in an awful state every month. even when i wasnt with anyone i thought i was still pregnant from before as i had heard of people still getting periods and being pregnant etc.

i have since learned....do u know how difficult it is to get pregnant even with full penetration?sperm pretty much die when they hit the air and even if ur partner did touch off ur vagina the miniscule amount of sperm in the pre cum would want to be some amazing swimmers! so your definatly not.

is there some thing in your past that is freaking you out about being pregnant? a previous scare etc? you should address this and you will stop worrying!

16-03-09, 22:05
Thank you eveyone so much!did another clear blue and was negative but am convinced that i have some under lying disease ,cancer or that i am infertile ,it got so bad that i got a panic attack on my lunch break,that hasnt happened for bout 3 years now.thank you so much..

17-03-09, 12:24
very unlikely, and a simple test will give you an answer.

17-03-09, 12:27
sorry just noticed you have now done a test. dont worry yourself too much, i am sure its just anxiety and we tend to to jump from one thing to another.panic attacks arent nice I know, at least you recognise what it istake care and go nurture yourself in some way, will make you feel better