View Full Version : My son has come home unrecognisable

14-03-09, 22:10
Hi, I'm a mum who has a 25 yr old son who has completely given up on his life, ie. his friends his job his house, in fact everything. A friend drove him home and his symptoms are as follows: sleeps alot, doesn't hardly say anything, mutters, twitches, doesn't want to contact anyone he knows, can eat, can play games, read, can do simple physical tasks. If put under any pressure, sweats, twists his hands, eyes go red, sleeps all the next day. He has been like this for 2 months with no change. We just accept him and let him stay home all the time but does anyone recognise the symptoms and will he recover? He does not want to see the doctor or seek advice.

14-03-09, 22:22
Amanda i would get doctor to pay your son a visit as sounds like hes severely
depressed brought on by any number factors.
Drugs alcohol can bring on mental illness which going on for 2 months is to long for a previously stable 25 year old.
I would phone doctors on monday and get a home visit pronto and
kickstart your sons recovery and ive no doubt he will recover
please let us know how you get on and welcome to site
plenty support here ifyou need it
finn x

14-03-09, 22:34
thanks for your advice, I think I prob should ring them but I don't know them (just moved) and I have never met a doctor who I have trusted or liked or who has ever been helpful. Still you never know.

14-03-09, 22:37
Hi Amanda,

Welcome to NMP, I know it is difficult to put your trust in others but your son does need some help to recover and Doctors are more aware now of mental health issues.


14-03-09, 22:44
thanks, i'm sure you're right, just wanted to give him a chance to come out of it himself, but I don't want him to lose any more confidence.

14-03-09, 22:58
By the sounds of it amanda hes rock bottom to the guy he used to be
so you have absolutley nothing to lose and hopefully a good doctor will assess and find best course of treatment for him and reassure you and family as must be a terrible time.I take it you have registered at new practice when you moved and if not wont take long may be pop in yourself firstly have a word with doc about it all eh x

14-03-09, 23:13
You really need to get the gp to come and see your son. Your son sounds like he is really suffering. It must be awful for you both. I would speak to the doctor about him before he calls out to see him. Your son sounds like he is having a breakdown maybe. He will get better but you need to get him the help, whether he wants it or not. If he is as you describe he needs to get help sooner rather than later. Left untreated he could get worse. I hope he gets the help he deserves and that things improve for him. There is a lot of help out there if he has mental health issues and your gp is the best person to talk to firstly about it all as he will be able to advise you what is happening to your son. Please dont let your experience of gps put you off getting help for your son. He wont just get better by himself if he is as bad as he sounds. Some gps are not great and some are.

14-03-09, 23:15
thanks for your reply, I will let you know how we get on.

15-03-09, 00:46
Keep a close eye on your boy if you can but don't invade his space, provide food and liquid,

Don't nag or try to engage him in conversation.

Sleep is a good healer.

Put aside your view of GP's.

This not about you but how your son is feeling. (i know that sounds harsh).

15-03-09, 00:59
Hi Amanda,

I wouldn't hesitate and call the Emergency Doctor asap, he doesn't sound very well at all. He could be having a breakdown, or it could be something else, (an adverse affect from medication, alcohol or drugs). I feel it's important that somebody sees him as soon as they can. Time needs to be on his side, incase it could be something very serious.

I hope he starts to feel better very soon. :flowers:

15-03-09, 01:07
Sorry Amanda I slightly misread your post.

Yes from what you've explained, it does sound like he's going through a breakdown,..poor guy.

I'd still try and call a doctor tomorrow though rather than on Monday, he still needs to be seen quickly.

Good luck x

15-03-09, 01:16

I agree with all of the other posters on this thread - what you described is what I went through when I was 18
Make sure you go to a GP or better and get some outward help:)
Nothing will help if he stays in that same routine.
I'm 21 now and I was exactly like that for two years because I had no motivation.

I hope everything sorts out an if he needs to talk to anyone, or feels up to it (when I was at my worst I avoided anything to do with talking about anxiety in fear that it'd make it worse) then he's more than welcome here.
Always friendly.
An he, or you, can private message me anytime.

All the best,

Cal x

15-03-09, 16:56
Hi Amanda,

Wow, your son sounds just like my brother when he was 16. I see you've already been given some very helpful advice from the others members. It might give you some comfort to know that my brother is now one of the happiest people I know, he's got a good job, a nice flat and he's in a serious relationship with a child of his own. Now there's no reason that can't be your son in a few years time.

15-03-09, 19:51
Hi Amanda and welcome to the site. I hope your son get things sorted out real soon , you've had some good advice so far , take care xx

16-03-09, 01:17
hi there. ive been suffering with anxiety attacts and they are so bad i
don want to get out of bed in the mornings u have horrible thoughts and
think ur going mad, but its all down to stress.
im 23 i find it easier talking 2 a doctor i dont live with my parents but i
dont tell them exackly how i feel cause i no they havent been through it
and think im mad or over worry.
my point is if u call a doctor leave him alone with ur son, or u can ring nhs direct
for advise.

16-03-09, 03:02
Hi Amanda,

Is your son receiving treatment now ? I hope he's ok.

I just wanted to let you know that I too had a severe breakdown 3 years ago now, resulting in hospitalisation as an inpatient for 4 months, it was a scary time for everybody, not only myself, but family and friends to see me that way.

There is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you, with time and the right help and treatment, he'll soon be well again.

Thinking of you and your son. xx

16-03-09, 03:14
Don't wait for anything. You can't take his health for granted. If he won't be responsible for himself, please take charge of the situation and explain to him that he needs to be seen about the problem. Be polite and show him you love him and that you need him to do this, otherwise it may worsen massively.

I really hope things come together, but if he won't move on this, then move for him. Trust me. Time matters!

19-03-09, 08:33
Hi everyone, thank you so much for your replies and support, it is helpful to hear other people's experiences. we still have not gone to the doctor because he is adamant he doesn't want to go, although this week there has been some improvement and he worked two days with his dad on a building site and has joined in conversations and even txt some of his friends. If this improvement continues I will respect his wishes not to go to the doctor but if he declines then believe me I will insist. I think everyone needs time to recover. thanks again!

19-03-09, 08:52
I am happy he has did little things etc but still keep a close eye on him petal. Don't crowd him but just still be wary. All the best,Amy xxxxxx

19-03-09, 09:24
My son hit a depression when he was in the army........give him some time, but also express to him that whatever it is going on in his head that all will be okay.............you're mum and probably the only one that can help him...........however if it carries on...........try and get him to the docs.

My son when bad sent me text messages that i would never want again in my life, but he pulled through and is as happy as larry now.

best wishes to you both

di xx