View Full Version : Looking Skinnier?

14-03-09, 23:46
I dont know if its becuase im self concious or what but for a while now I have been thinking I look skinnier all the time.

I weigh myself a lot and am constantly the same weight so Im not loosing anything. But Im looking skinnier.

I can feel my bones on my arm all the way up my arm from my hand up to my shoulder. My hips are extremly boney.

Would you say this is becuase I am tall? Anyone have any tips on how I could put weight on? Most people seem to put weight on with anxiety and stress. I guess Im different lol

15-03-09, 01:20
I dont know if its becuase im self concious or what but for a while now I have been thinking I look skinnier all the time.

I weigh myself a lot and am constantly the same weight so Im not loosing anything. But Im looking skinnier.

I can feel my bones on my arm all the way up my arm from my hand up to my shoulder. My hips are extremly boney.

Would you say this is becuase I am tall? Anyone have any tips on how I could put weight on? Most people seem to put weight on with anxiety and stress. I guess Im different lol

What do you weigh and how tall are you.I can give you some advice on how to bulk up if you feel its a problem.Pm me if you like.I lost a lot of weight when i had anxiety by the way.

15-03-09, 01:46
I lost alot of weight when I first had anxiety too. I didn't realise I had anxiety at the time and other people noticed the weight loss which got me paranoid as they kept commenting on it. Whatever you do don't worry yourself about it. I used Complan to get the weight back. I noticed the weight loss most on my face and then on the arms, hips, etc like yourself.

Try also not to get bogged down with the scales. Bulk yourself up like Mick has suggested from experience and you'll be fine. When we noticed physical changes it can really effect us mentally if we let it so please don't let it get you down and know that it is common.

All the best


15-03-09, 07:46
This is very much me too. I get a little scared too about weight loss, i dont use the scale.
I dont look too skinny but i would like some more kilos.

15-03-09, 08:58
I am the same, I think I look far too skinny at the moment but I just cant put on weight. I weigh myself everyday hoping I would have put on loads but I haven't.
I get paranoid that everyone is looking at me and thinking that I am too skinny and everytime I put on my clothes I convince myself that they were tighter on me the last time I wore them.
I would love to be bigger xx

15-03-09, 09:07
Yes, it`s probably because you are tall. But what I can see is the way you are shifting from "I think I look skinnier" - which is a subjective self-perception to "I look skinnier". The last one is an objective judgement, which means that u managed to somehow convince yourself that you (for no apparent reason) ARE losing weight, even if you know that you don`t. This is a logical pitfall which, if you are not aware of it, may trigger some anxiety. :)
If the scale constantly tells you that you are about the same weight, it means that you LOOK the same, only your perception about your body changed...

Anyway, if you want to put some weight on you, you should engage into more strenuous physical activities (lifting weights for example), if you don`t have a known condition which does not allow you to train harder. (It is allways wise to talk to your GP before engaging in physical activities.)
Regular physical activities help by building muscle, and they make the muscular tissue more dense.
You can also approach the Pilates method, which is not mere physical activity, but also a method of self-control. (mind, postural, breathing, etc.) You can watch many videos about Pilates on You Tube, and there are also a lot of training books available on the Internet. Some are free of charge, which is good for the beginning, cuz it`s useless to pay in advance for an activity that does not fit your mind/lifestyle :).
Then, you should increase your overall calories intake (15% more calories will do the job for the beginning), and increase the proteins your diet. Proteins usually come from meat, fish, eggs (egg whites are esp. good because they contain highly digestible proteins), dairy products (check if you don`t have lactose intolerance), also from soja (tofu and soja milk 4 example), and all kind of beans, as an alternative to animal proteins. Muscles are mainly proteins.
You should increase the number of meals: divide your meals into 4 to 6 smaller meals per day - this will increase the rate of absorbtion and you will gain weight.
Of course, these are only some short guidelines; I cannot fully develop this subject in a forum; take my advice as a general guidance, and find your own way to gain weight. Do an internet research; you will find tones of information about healthy diet, exercises and gaining weight. Good luck :)

15-03-09, 14:30
Well, if you are not losing weight, you probably are not looking skinnier. I had this exact same thing - at one point, so physically repulsed by my own body that I couldn't have a bath! I resolved it by meauring round my arms, wrists, waist, hips and upper thighs with a tape measure every night. In print, I then had proof I was not getting any skinnier. Over time, I put more weight on as I stopped being so anxious all the time and now I have not measured myself for about 18 months. I did measure myself for about three months in total. I know some people will say 'that's ridiculous, don't do it', but it helped me realise it was all in my head.

16-03-09, 18:34
Thanks for all the advice people.

Didnt think other people fealt the same as me and could actually loose weight through anxiety.

So thanks for all the tips.