View Full Version : Hello, I'm new to this.....

15-03-09, 11:52
Hi, Just found this website while browsing for help with coming off Citalopram. I was prescribed it about 4 years ago, while coping with my marriage breakup and divorce (a complete shock!) I came off the pills (20mgs) after taking them for about 18 months. I found after 3 or so months I was feeling anxious and weepy again, so went back on them, alongside some counselling which helped at the time.

This time, I've been taking them for 6 months, and wanted to see how I felt without them. It's only been 7 days, one day on one day off the pills – which is what my doctor suggested I try – I've noticed the dizzy head feeling and nausea, especially in the afternoons – and I don't think I can't cope with this feeling while working full time and bringing up two kids on my own!!

Today, Sunday, I woke up really low – very tearful and thinking about the past, and I'm now wondering if I should even be considering coming off these pills! Is the way I feel a side-effect of reducing the dose or would I have felt like this anyway (just realised, it was about this time of year I discovered my partners affair) I do feel that the reduction in dosage it too great, and I'll probably try taking half a pill each day.

If anyone has any tips I would extremely grateful.... can't carry on feeling like this!

tanya 1
15-03-09, 14:25
hi amelie and welcome to nmp,i love your name,you need to go to your doctor again and explain hoe your feeling and see what he says some people have side affects from citalopram and some people dont,im on 20mg of citalopram have been for about a year now but luckily ive had no side affects,if your still thinking and getting upset over your past then maybe you might need a bit of counselling again or maybe just a close friend to talk to to get it off your chest,try and go into the chatroom when you can,there all lovely people on here
hope this helps hun
tanya x x

15-03-09, 19:47
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here that helps a lot, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

15-03-09, 20:52
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


15-03-09, 22:08
Hi Ladies,
Thank you all for your replies! I'll definitely speak to my doctor again – will check out the chat room soon. It does help to have somewhere, other than friends, to talk about this. Amelie xxx

15-03-09, 22:25
Hi Amelie, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers: