View Full Version : why o why

15-03-09, 12:42
On Thursday evening I was admitted to Hospital overnight with chronic chest pain? During my stay I had not one but three ecg's, several blood pressure checks, three blood test one for a general blood count one for blood clots, and one 12 hours after admission to check for any damage to my heart. I was given asprin to thin my blood and pain killers every four hours. Despite all this every single test they carried out came back NORMAL so the following day I was discharged. When they said I could go home I was amazed because the pain was so intense. but then i started talking to another patient who had been there for four days and she had chest pains too that could'nt be explained, when she was given the all clear to leave the hospital she started to panic and got quite upset and she demanded for other test to be carried out. (URM THAT SOUNDS LIKE ME I THOUGHT) While all this was happening the lady in the end bed who had actually had a heart attack was sleeping quite peacefully.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I called my husband to collect me and got dressed. The other lady who was also given the all clear to leave was now crying and refusing to leave. she was convinced that WE were being discharged to save beds. I asked the lady if she suffered from anxiety she said YES..........

What i'm trying to say is that everytime I was given one of my test results I did'nt give a sigh of relief I just waited for the next test results to come back, When all the results came back as normal I too like the other lady assumed they had'nt done the right tests. ITS CRAZY THIS ANXIETY.

I know I recieved exellent care and attention in Hospital and the poor lady who had actually had a heart attack was well looked after and was receiving fantastic care.

I am soooooooooooooo going to beat this.

15-03-09, 15:29
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I do not know what to say - except I know how you feel:blush:
The intense fear and the "go home you are fine" don't quite match up:blush:

Anxiety and panic attacks are soo very hard to control they always mimic something else therefore our nerves are so tense all the time.
"you must relax" they tell me:ohmy: Oh if they only knew how hard i try:weep:
Glad to hear you are OK :yesyes: :yesyes:
best wishes