View Full Version : good day bad day

15-03-09, 12:43
Yesterday i had a good day,ok i had some PA one terrible but got over it and had normal day. Today im terrible, tight chest, jelly legs, feeling sick, you know the normal line up of horrible things. this tight chest is new on me and it sends me into total panic,anyone else know what i mean. IM really going a try to go out tonight to ice hockey i have a passion for the game and despite feeling so bad somehow im going to say hey devils inside me sod off ive worked hard all week , and worked hard fighting you , now its my time. Ive had PA for many years for 5or 6 years i was "normal" before that weekends and days at A&E periods in hospital being checked for everything. Guess all im saying today is help guys can i beat it again...i hope so. Oh and another thing i eat to much yesterday (most of it cr..p) any one know what are good foods to help, thanks guys:)

Veronica H
15-03-09, 18:00
:) you are doing the right thing by moving forward despite these feelings. Adrenalin has built up in your system from yesterdays attack and is giving you all of the side effects, jelly legs etc. This will pass provided you donot fear it and by doing so produce more Adrenalin. The tight chest is all part of the same thing and tends to make us focus too much on our breathing. Accept it all for now and enjoy your trip out. Let us know how you get on.
