View Full Version : really scared I have lost the plot this time

15-03-09, 15:18
Hi haven't been on here for a while. Had a really bad year last year and this year so far, close friend died, my Dad was really ill, my sister was sectioned again, my hubby has been off from teaching since last feb with groin pain. After a testicular and hernia op he is still in pain and has just started on gabapentin 2 days ago. His pay stopped last month and he has been called into school on the 23rd march for a contract review where if he cannot say that he is any better he could lose his job. I used to teach but left 6 years ago to bring up the kids (8 and 6) I suffer from anxiety disorder panic disorder depression and some OCD.
I have had counselling CBT and seen a link worker regularly but I cannot control this level of stress, I am scared we will lose our house if he loses his job. We have just claimed ESA which will come in 2 weeks and we have an inurance policy that will pay the mortgage for another year but I am scared to death still. Saw the Dr last week have put venlafaxine up to 1x75mg and 1x37.5mg later in the afternoon. Today I feel so down I have had enough of coping with stress most of my life and my mum died when I was 18 so I cannot really talk to anyone about my worries.
My hubby has claimed for us both but could I claim for me as well as I cannot work due to my mental illness which was diagnosed and became a lot worse after I left teaching. Please help I want all this to stop going around in my head.

15-03-09, 19:29
You should be able to claim and your GP should be able to help out there. Everyone has different experiences of claiming and their circumestances are different so its not possible to say if your claim will be accepted or not. But it is worth going down that route as the added stress of financial worry is not doing you any favours.

It might also be worth contacting a debt advice place to see if you can get some help in the event that you cannot afford to make payments for the likes of your mortgage and other things due to circumstance. Alot of these people will bend over backwards to help and no the things we don't. Anything that can alliviate the money worries will obviously help your situation a little.

Best of luck


16-03-09, 16:42
Hi thanks for taking the time to reply, I think with putting my meds up and worrying my self sick about my OH work review on monday is making me really ill with stress, my blood pressure has gone up and I feel on edge all the time.I cannot get across to my OH how bad this is making mefeel I've even thought about suicide but can't do this to my kids, he is too wrapped up in himself and won't see what this is doing to us all. Nic