View Full Version : Toothache Anxiety!!!

30-07-05, 22:15
I have had a bad tooth for ages now and today its worse than ever severe pain and very uncomfortbale and feels like i have abit of swelling around the gum.

I worry that i have a tooth abcess but i know your face swells right up when you get one of these.

I know a tooth abcess can cause blood poisoning and kill you and im really worried at the moment i havent got a dentist and i have got to wait 2-3 weeks to have it removed what if i get a tooth abcess and get blood poisoning and die by then?

I am very worried i just hope i will be ok, my gum is sore and red and like i say have alittle swelling but i have been using alot of antibacterial mouthwash and warm salt water.

I heard all the bacteria from the abcess goes into your blood stream and can kill you very quickly.

Ive never had an abcess before but i dont want to get one i am really worried right now and feeling very uncomfortbale with my face and tooth and gums hurting and im in pain even with taking strong painkillers.

30-07-05, 22:23
I have never heard that it can kill you atall!

That is nonsense


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

30-07-05, 22:23
**I heard all the bacteria from the abcess goes into your blood stream and can kill you very quickly**

Wherever you heard it - it is wrong information.

Incidentally if you go to your GP they can give you antibiotics in the meanwhile so when you can get to a dentist appt its ready for treatment

Of course its not good for your general health to have rotting teeth but it will not 'kill you quickly'

http:// www.nomorepanic.co.uk/lounge /topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3773
http:// www.nomorepanic.co.uk/lounge /topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=5272

Maenwhile get some oil of cloves or brandy on it .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-07-05, 22:29
Well on www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk under blood poisoning it says under complications that if enought bacteria from a tooth abcess gets into your bloodstream its life threatening and can kill you.

30-07-05, 22:35
Not quickly and not before a huge amount of serious pain and swelling where you would be forced to seek help form A+E .

It also takes time for an infection to accumulate in the blood stream and you would be a very all over sick person first with raging fevers and rigors.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-07-05, 22:41
Any tips how to prevent an infection from getting into the blood stream or prevent anything serious happening?

30-07-05, 22:52
Get some antibiotics from A+E/ GP

See a dentist asap. Your FHSA can find you one for emergency treatment.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-07-05, 23:10
Hi my advice would be the same as Meg, get some antibiotics from your doctor and find a dentist ASAP. If you tell them its an emergency, they may fit you in?

The longer you leave it, the worse it will get.

Once, it is sorted, you will have no pain, to enjoy things again, without an added worry, that can be sorted out.

Good luck

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

31-07-05, 09:30
Hope you get it sorted Andrew :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

31-07-05, 10:16
i know how u feel i have abad tooth that keeps getting infected andgiving me toothache, and my partner told me it could kill me and i hate the dentisit but i went and he gave me antibotics and it went away, i also asked him if it could kill me and he said no.

31-07-05, 12:24
I am 56 and because of my phobia of dentists I have had lots of abscess’s and infections, I have seen my face like a balloon many times bad bad pain and still alive? This time I had toothache for about 2 years nearly daily because I was to scared of the dentist, but finally found a dentist who I feel comfy with and she took the two out that have been bothering me. As Meg say's and Meg should know with her training, It takes more that an abscess to kill you. I have gone to GP many times with tooth trouble and got antibiotics for tooth trouble. But if your face isn’t really swollen you may not even need antibiotics as they don’t like prescribing to many to people, but even then you could ask gp for a strong painkiller? I find ibrofen good. Hope you feel better soon. Vernon

01-08-05, 00:55

I'm sorry you have such bad toothache. I have had an abcess before so I know it is really painful.

Does your local hospital have a dental department? Where I live we have one and you can just turn up in the morning and wait to be seen, maybe you should see if they have one.

Take care

Helen x

04-08-05, 22:31
I had a tooth pulled last year and it really wasn't as bad as I thought. The only advice I have for you is to ask for an anesthetic with no epinephrine. Sorry you're going through this. The more you worry about it, you know the worse it will seem. Bring some relaxing music and some headphones with you to the appointment.