View Full Version : Anxiety and Fibromyalgia

15-03-09, 16:38
Hi everyone

I suffer from fibromyalgia, I think anxiety is quite a common symptom for people who suffer from fibro, I just wondered if anyone else on here is a fibro sufferer.

Veronica H
15-03-09, 17:38
:welcome: to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.


15-03-09, 19:53
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here that helps a lot , i'm sure there will be other sufferers of fibromyalgia as well, the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

15-03-09, 20:50
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


15-03-09, 22:16
Hi Fibroman, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

16-03-09, 12:47
Hi Fibroman

I to am a Fibromyalgia sufferer also a Moderator on the FMAUK where i help and support those with Anxiety. (A link to FMAUK Fibromyagia assosiation is put on the useful link board)

I have suffered Anxiety for over 20yrs and FM for 10yrs...

Trying to juggle both is very hard and exhausting!!

I have CBT in Anxiety have done now for nearly 2 yrs which has changed my life completely :yesyes: plus i have had councilling/hypnotherepy for the Anxiety & Pain

Chat to me any time :) and anyone else who would like support :hugs:

16-03-09, 12:58
Hello to everyone here, my Mum has fibromyalgia and agoraphobia etc, I also have mental health problems including agoraphobia etc, etc, but no fibromyalgia (to my knowledge), it's good to know this condition is being more heard of as little seems to be known about it atm.

Nice to meet you all :o)

16-03-09, 17:44
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, what a great place this is.