View Full Version : Hello, new to this so here goes.

15-03-09, 18:14
I found this site when I was researching missed heart beats (extra heat beats = ectopic beats) and found this site purely by accident. Having read some of the notes posted here, immediately allayed my worst fears so thanks guys:hugs: The constant thumping and the constant palpitations have not been so apparent, but they are still there! Am just not listening in to them anymore:yesyes:

I also suffer with stress and anxiety and have found that Dr Claire Weeke's Book - Self Help for your Nerves has been most helpful and would recommend it to anyone and everyone who suffers with anxiety, nervous tension, depression etc. It has been the bain of my life to be perfectly honest.:weep:

Ok, so in the meantime I am awaiting heart trace on 23 March - I am hoping this will reveal nothing more than Ectopic beats. Even though these are benign (not harmful to your heart) they certainly leave you feeling nervy and panicky.

I am also embarking on counselling as I need to overcome my nerves and anxiety disorder.

Please feel free to contact me.

Peace and Love to all on this wonderful Site :bighug1:


15-03-09, 18:23
A huge warm welcome miche,

just started reading that book myself........... so i'm hoping its going to be a big help to me to.

best wishes

di xx

15-03-09, 19:55
Hi there and :welcome: to the site a lot of good advice and support on here that helps a lot, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

15-03-09, 20:31
Hello Miche , Welcome to NMP Forum, you will get lots of help and advice here, i hope you do embark on councelling as it is really helpful . Thankyou for telling about Dr Claire Weekes books , i must give one a read ty , :welcome: best wishes dusky x

15-03-09, 20:48
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


19-03-09, 13:58
hey miche, hope all is well with you, i just wanted to really thankyou for introducing me to this site,did not really realise just how many people out there just like me with the same symptoms, but i think this site will really help me and you hopefully,you take care and spk soon.x