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View Full Version : dont know wot to do cant cope anymore

15-03-09, 20:56
im sitting crying my eyes out typing this since december i have been getting terrible right sided headaches which i have posted on here before i have also been getting twitching or spasms in my left arm and leg which wake me as soon as i drift off to sleep and also some wierd dizzy spells my fear of all this is its symptoms of a impending stroke well last night i had the twitching but also a wierd twiching spasm in my lips which kept waking me up when i finally got to sleep i hear like a bang or something in my head and woke up with the headpains again which i have had the pain all day now i have been sleeping for most of the day cos of the bad night but i cant seem to get rid of this headache i feel sick with nerves that its a impending stroke and that its my bodies way of telling me to get help i have had a mri and cat scan in the past for stroke and anuerysm but nothing was found i just cant help feeling it is still that though,the pain is in my neck and right side of head and also another wierd sympton is when i breath its like i got water up my nose the feeling like when you go swimming and water goes up your nose i am breathing it now but i dont need to blow my nose or anything i really cant cope with feeling like this now my doctors are not any good they just keep fobbing me off with tablets to help calm me down i just dont know wot to do anymore i feel if it carries on the stress off it all will cause a stroke or something my wieght has been going up and down with all this worry too i really do think im going to die and i just dont know wot to do please help me someone please

15-03-09, 21:20
I get the wierd breathing feeling as well but truly its nothing to worry about. With health anxiety we tend to magnify feelings and we jump to conclusions about our health. If you have had all the test then it you SHOULD take that as a good sign.
Most people twitch as they go to sleep and some times I get this whole body shock but again its nothing.

Try(yes its hard) not to worry

you will be ok

15-03-09, 21:23
As above.You really are not going to die.

15-03-09, 21:37
Hi Helen

I'm sorry your feeling poorly at the moment. I to get the twiches but for most of the time they are more like jerks, i also get the banging in my head...it's a horrid feeling.

I don't think for one moment you are about to have a stroke, from what i know i think it's anxiety. Do you feel you have a stuffy nose..? as i'm wondering if your sinuses are playing up, i use to suffer with it and i'd only have to move my head slightly and it caused dizzy spells and pain.

Try not to worry (easier said than done, i know!) maybe go and see your GP tomorrow and tell them of your concerns and how your feeling.

Thinking of you


17-03-09, 11:10
i dont suffer from any sinus issues as far as i know but i did go back doctors and she is referring me to a coucelling session with someone that works at the practice she said he gives you relaxation cds and things then maybe from there it might be cbt she upped my citalopram from 20 to 30 mg im still in pain with this horrid headache and shoulder pain fingers crossed the new dosage of citalopram and councelling will work i just dont want to fell like im going to have a stroke and die anymore :(

13-07-09, 21:19
Helen, I am so sorry that you are going through all this. Please do not think you are dying, trust me. You will know when you are seriously sick. I've been under constant stress since Feb of this year over dental problems and lack of a job. I went from walking one hour a day, 6 days a week, to nothing at all cold turkey. I started getting diarreah, sinus problems, and now leg spasms. I never had this problem before. The last few months have been constant dwelling and worrying about everything in my life and now it is manifesting itself in symptoms that I never had before unless I was very stressed out.

Get out and walk, get around people. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful! You are you know. Just talk positive to yourself, stay in a positive frame of mind. You are NOT dying, none of us are.