View Full Version : Obsessed with taking my pulse

15-03-09, 21:24
Hello everyone. Its such a great comfort to know I'm not alone - I have suffered panic attacks and anxiety for about 3 years now and it has taken over my life. I do sometimes think that my friends and family believe I make it up or blow everything up out of proportion as I was once such a confident person. I suppose I have had a fear of having a heart attack for about 13 years as I lost my dad this way but the real fear started after I stupidly had a few drags of my friends splif (only tried it a couple of times in my life) and thought I was going to die - my heart rate went up to 150 very quickly and I had to call an amublance. Because of this I now check my pulse sometimes up to a 100 times a day and cos I am anxious most of the time, it is nearly always above a 100. I wake in the night with my heart racing (which I know can be when you wake in the middle of a dream?) and I lay there sometimes for a couple of hours until it slows down. I even check all my friends pulses to compare them to mine! It is driving me crazy and making my life a complete misery. I did try anti-depressents for 6 months which did help but made me so tired all the time I couldnt function properly so came off them. Please someone help me - I keep crying like a baby lots too cos it gets me so down.

15-03-09, 21:27
Hi Wendy, I'm new here too, but it looks like there are loads of great people to support and help us! I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. :( x

15-03-09, 21:44
Hiya Wendy,welcome.As you say yourself .You are checking your pulse when you are anxious.Not a good idea.If you can put all this down to the bad experience with the spliff you will be ok.I know a few people this has happened to.

15-03-09, 21:52
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


15-03-09, 22:02
Hi Wendy

Welcome to NMP!

You really must try to stop taking your pulse hun. The more you focus on it the higher your anxiety levels will be, which will inturn-heighten your pulse.

Try to distract rather than focus! Switch the attention you give to your pulse to something completely different.


15-03-09, 22:28
Hi Wendy, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

16-03-09, 09:43
Hi there Wendy and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

16-03-09, 10:54
Hi, and:welcome:,

In addition to what has allready been said, I`d say that you are not going to get an accurate pulse-rate simply because u conditioned your body to respond automatically by raising your heartbeat when you check your pulse. Do one thing 1000 times, and it becomes a REFLEX. Please, don`t feed your anxiety. Pulse checking tells you nothing about you when you are anxious, except that you have an adrenalin rush. Just think: what is more important: your life or taking your pulse? I think the answer is obvious. The simple fact that you are here, means that you decided to get your life back. This is a huge step. :)

16-03-09, 11:30
Hi there

What you are describing does sound like Health Anxiety. I also suffer from this so I know what you are going through. There is a page on here all about Health Anxiety read through it as it will give you some comfort you are not alone. I remember having a mole on my leg which I kept checking and proding and convinced myself it was getting really big each time I looked at it. In actual fact I was just pulling at the skin so much it was getting sore.

Your pulse will get faster and faster everytime you check it as you have all ready convinced yourself before you take it it will have changed, and your anxiety will kick in.

I have done CBT and I recommend that you say you wont check it for 30 mins and in that time you have a bath or watch TV and try and distract yourself. then take it. Keep doing this but gradually get longer and longer in between taking it. I bet you will see a difference.

Take care sweetie. I know what you are going through.
