View Full Version : hi all im nicola and i suffer with panic attacks.

15-03-09, 22:10
Hi I have registered to this site because all the msg I have read
Are very much like mine.
I obess over my breathing and panic cause I think I can't breath on
My own. All down to anxiety. I've been off work for months and tried
All the medication from anti depressants to beta blockers I've had reactions
To them all. I'm not taking any medication now cause I'm not allowed any
More valium.
I'm going bk to wrk soon to see if I can manage and hopefully fight through
My anxiety I'm really nervous, everyone will expect the old bubble nicola, and
Normally if I feel myself going into a panick I have a bath, I find it helps, can't do
That in wrk. Sorry for going on but if anyone obsessing over their breathing and
Panic attacks then please give me some advise.

15-03-09, 22:17
Hi Nicola

Welcome to NMP. I also obsess about the breathing, I always have, it's my worse symptom. I know that you feel that you'll not get enough breath but you always will, I'm here to tell the tale:winks: :winks:

If you over-breathe, breathing into a paper bag will bring you back to normal. If it's a feeling that you can't get enough breath, then try & concentrate on the 'out' breath rather than how much you're taking in. It always goes away Nicola, although very frightening at the time.

You are very brave going back to work, I'm sure you'll be ok.

Take care

15-03-09, 22:32
Hi Nicola, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

15-03-09, 22:38
Thanks Els its nice to no your not alone in this. And this site is so
Supportive with people like yourself.
I've tried to break into paper bags but they make me feel like I want to
Vomit. I'm constantly doing something to take my mind off breathing but I
Get so exchasted I just have to lay there and ride it out.
Bed time is the worst I find and morning as soon as I open my eyes am I
Breathing tidy, u no wat I mean I'm so use to explaining myself to people
Who really have no idea.
But thank you so much, and if u need anything let me no

15-03-09, 22:50
Hiya ,welcome.Have you tried any exercise.Sounds simple but it helps with breathing.

15-03-09, 23:13
hi yeah ive tried light excercise walking the dog. but when u excercise ur
breathing get quicker and more aware so i then again concentrate on every breath and
rush home.

15-03-09, 23:44
Hi, Nicola, and:welcome:

I ve had this feeling of not breathing enough for about 4 months. Very nasty sensation. I checked my lungs, they told me I was ok; I ended up 2 times in the ER... Eventually it subsided as it came. I still don`t know if it was depression, anxiety, meds or something else.
Fact is that moderate physical exercises helped me alot to cope with this horrid sensation. Also, I started to practice qigong, with good results.
I still have moments when I feel like I am not breathing deep enough, but I don`t panic about that anymore. I just go on with my activities, or lay in my bed and relax my diaphragm, chest muscles, shoulders, neck muscles and finally the entire body. I don` t take "deep" breaths. I rather breath normally, or I practice abdominal respiration: the abdomen inflates, then deflates, while the ribcage stands still. I know that obsessing with how much air you breath can only make the things worse.
I also feel a bit anxious from time to time, but I decided I cannot afford paying attention to them. My need to be comfortable with myself is more important than the panic itself. :) I realized that panic attacks only have power when we feel like helpless victims after having one. When I realized that IN FACT nothing happened and that I was not a victim, just a "milieu" through which they come and go, they became completely benigne.

I am sure you will be fine as soon as you stop paying them too much attention. I know it`s hard, and it may look a bit against your instincts, but giving them too much attention is not solving the problem either.

16-03-09, 00:22
im will try the breathing excercises. ive notice when im relax and not thinking
about it my stomach move not my chest.
but im have bad pain in the top of my ribs like a stich i think or like a band being
pulled around my frount, and it hard to breath i have no chance but to breath
from my chest. is this normal havent felt this before

16-03-09, 07:35
It is perfectly normal (for an anxious person) :) to have difficulties in breathing from the chest and not from the abdomen. I used to feel like I had a corset around my cest, my need to breath deply was hard to overcome.
Women especially are prone to this, I don`t know why, but they tend to breath more superficial, sometimes only from the top of their chest - this is called clavicular respiration, cuz it only involves the superior part of their lungs. I dunno why it happened to me cuz I`m a man! :whistles: (kidding)

In time, you will learn how to relax your diaphragm, shoulders, neck, abdomen, and you will notice you can breathe easier. Remember, don`t strive to take "deep breaths", cuz they make you fill spacey and dizzy.
To make sure u breath corectly, put a hand on your chest and the other on the belly button, and do some abdominal breathing. The hand on your chest should stay still while the one on your abdomen should move up and down. You can even try this:

1. Lay in bed, relax your neck, shoulders, ribcage and abdomen. Take 10 normal breaths, then inhale and, when you feel your lungs are like 2/3 filled with air,

2. stop your breath for 5 seconds (don`t take a deep breath before you do so, and do not create pressure in the lungs while in apnea. This has to happen quietly; you should not feel like a baloon under pressure).

3. Exhale; visualise the air coming out from your lungs together with your tension (without forcing it out).

#Do this cycle (10 normal breaths / 5 seconds apnea / exhale ) five - seven times or for how long you feel comfortable. If discomfort appears, then you did something wrong; It should feel like a natural respiration, not like a forced one. I found out this is a way to become aware about your respiration without obsessing about it). It helps controling both your breath and your mind.
You may find other abdominal breathing exercises on the Internet. :)
Hope this helps, good luck.

16-03-09, 09:50
Hi there Nicola and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support here and the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

16-03-09, 21:47
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

17-03-09, 00:15
Thank u. I'm practicing my breathing excercises.
Great information it really relaxes me