View Full Version : a shoulder to cry on

31-07-05, 11:22
Hi everyone.
I've woken up today feeling really miserable, I can't stop crying. I was quite low with depression a few years ago but have been better since. Recent things that have happened seem to be really getting on top of me, I thought I was coping. I don't wan't to go back to be seriously depressed again and I can see the warning signs, I'm terrified that I'm going backwards and when I think of the week ahead I don't know how I'm going to cope.

How do you cope? Do you have people to talk to? I have noone to talk to, and I don't know what to do. My mum, the person who should be there for me is the main problem causer and I've got noone left. I've just spoken to her on the phone and I've ended up feeling a million times worse like I can't cope any more.

Anyone got any advice?

31-07-05, 11:55

I know I am not close, but if you ever need to talk then I am happy to swap phone numbers. Talking to me does help, especially if some one understands how you are feeling

PM me

Lots of love


31-07-05, 12:10
Hi Trace

I'm sorry that you are feeling so down, I have been there also , good and bad days. We are all here to help one another.I'm also here if you want somebody to talk to, my msn is usually on.

Take care


31-07-05, 12:27
Hi Trace,

I'm sorry your feeling so down. I'm not sure that I can offer any real advice only reflections on previous experiences. I think I'm right in that everybody has good days some bad days and some days that you just can't believe, but they all pass.

It's not much help I know and I wish I had a magic wand I could wave and make every thing OK

Hope you begining to feel better


31-07-05, 12:29
Hi Trace,

Did you have medication last time you felt this bad, if you did then maybe you should go and see your doctor, have you tried to see a counsellor, as this may help to talk to someone outside of your family, just remember you got through it last time you can do it again,
and remember you have us here to talk to about your problems and thoughts you know there is always someone who can help you, feel free to pm me if you want to talk

kairen x

31-07-05, 14:06
Hi Trace, I hope you are feeling a bit better, I am at a similar stage to you this last couple of days, I feel I had got over so many things and then Ive had a few things happen which has sent me down again.
I dont think you will go back to how you were if you can see the signs and do something, I know I feel Ive gone back but when I look i have a long way to travel to go back to how I was.
I am fortunate in I have a councillor and good friends but I do also talk to people from this site who i now also class as good friends.
I have got msn and am on most evenings and if Im not on I can arrange to be if you need to talk,
I am also on late due to sleeping problems.
I would like to say stay focused and be positive but I know its hard, especially as you feel a bit down, Take care and keep in touch, Love Alexis,x